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MRI History
Sir Joseph Larmor (1857-1942) developed the equation that the angular frequency of precession of the nuclear spins being proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. [Larmor relationship]
In the 1930's, Isidor Isaac Rabi (Columbia University) succeeded in detecting and measuring single states of rotation of atoms and molecules, and in determining the mechanical and magnetic moments of the nuclei.
Felix Bloch (Stanford University) and Edward Purcell (Harvard University) developed instruments, which could measure the magnetic resonance in bulk material such as liquids and solids. (Both honored with the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1952.) [The birth of the NMR spectroscopy]
In the early 70's, Raymond Damadian (State University of New York) demonstrated with his NMR device, that there are different T1 relaxation times between normal and abnormal tissues of the same type, as well as between different types of normal tissues.
In 1973, Paul Lauterbur (State University of New York) described a new imaging technique that he termed Zeugmatography. By utilizing gradients in the magnetic field, this technique was able to produce a two-dimensional image (back-projection). (Through analysis of the characteristics of the emitted radio waves, their origin could be determined.) Peter Mansfield further developed the utilization of gradients in the magnetic field and the mathematically analysis of these signals for a more useful imaging technique. (Paul C Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield were awarded with the 2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine.)
In 1975, Richard Ernst introduced 2D NMR using phase and frequency encoding, and the Fourier Transform. Instead of Paul Lauterbur's back-projection, he timely switched magnetic field gradients ('NMR Fourier Zeugmatography'). [This basic reconstruction method is the basis of current MRI techniques.]
1977/78: First images could be presented. A cross section through a finger by Peter Mansfield and Andrew A. Maudsley. Peter Mansfield also could present the first image through the abdomen.
In 1977, Raymond Damadian completed (after 7 years) the first MR scanner (Indomitable). In 1978, he founded the FONAR Corporation, which manufactured the first commercial MRI scanner in 1980. Fonar went public in 1981.
1981: Schering submitted a patent application for Gd-DTPA dimeglumine.
1982: The first 'magnetization-transfer' imaging by Robert N. Muller.
In 1983, Toshiba obtained approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan for the first commercial MRI system.
In 1984, FONAR Corporation receives FDA approval for its first MRI scanner.
1986: Jürgen Hennig, A. Nauerth, and Hartmut Friedburg (University of Freiburg) introduced RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) imaging. Axel Haase, Jens Frahm, Dieter Matthaei, Wolfgang Haenicke, and Dietmar K. Merboldt (Max-Planck-Institute, Göttingen) developed the FLASH (fast low angle shot) sequence.
1988: Schering's MAGNEVIST gets its first approval by the FDA.
In 1991, fMRI was developed independently by the University of Minnesota's Center for Magnetic Resonance Research (CMRR) and Massachusetts General Hospital's (MGH) MR Center.
From 1992 to 1997 Fonar was paid for the infringement of it's patents from 'nearly every one of its competitors in the MRI industry including giant multi-nationals as Toshiba, Siemens, Shimadzu, Philips and GE'.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Cardiac Infarct Short Axis Cine Overview  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
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Further Reading:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, History & Introduction
2000   by    
A Short History of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Fonar Our History
  News & More:
Scientists win Nobels for work on MRI
Tuesday, 10 June 2003   by    
2001 Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
MRI's inside story
Thursday, 4 December 2003   by    
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Radiology  (21) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (74) Open this link in a new window
MRP-7000â„¢InfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Devices - From Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc.;
because of its dependability, the MRP-7000â„¢ remains popular more than a decade after the first U.S. system was shipped. This system maintains a high resale value, what has made it one of the most sought-after scanners on the used MRI equipment market.
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Vertical Orientation Field
DualQuad T/R Body Coil, MA Head, MA C-Spine, MA Shoulder, MA Wrist, MA CTL Spine, MA Knee, MA TMJ, MA Flex Body (3 sizes), Neck, small and large Extremity, PVA (WIP), Breast (WIP), Neurovascular (WIP), Cardiac (WIP) and MA Foot//Ankle (WIP)
Cardiac gating, ECG/peripheral, respiratory gating (2 modes)
Single, multislice, volume study
Permanent, self shielded
8 mT/m
horizontal 2.5 m x 2.1 m vertical
Auto shimming, 3-axis/patient and active shimming

• View the DATABASE results for 'MRP-7000™' (2).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Spectroscopy pool - Software - NMR - Abdominal Imaging - MRI Physics - Anatomy
MagneVuForum -
related threadsMRI Resource Directory:
 - Manufacturers - MagneVu, located in Carlsbad, California produced the MagneVu 1000 (Applauseâ„¢), a portable in-office magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Founded and incorporated in 1991, the company has financed its operations through the sale of private equity and debt to accredited investors, corporate partners, and venture capital. MagneVu won a trophy in the life sciences category for developing the low-cost MagneVu 1000, a device with unique features that aids physicians in providing state of the art arthritis care.
In May 2008 MagneVu, Inc. went out of business (Chapter 7 liquidation filing under bankruptcy).

MRI Scanners:


• View the DATABASE results for 'MagneVu' (3).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Portable MRI Debuts at UCI Medical Center
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Medical Imaging
The definition of imaging is the visual representation of an object. Medical imaging began after the discovery of x-rays by Konrad Roentgen 1896. The first fifty years of radiological imaging, pictures have been created by focusing x-rays on the examined body part and direct depiction onto a single piece of film inside a special cassette. The next development involved the use of fluorescent screens and special glasses to see x-ray images in real time.
A major development was the application of contrast agents for a better image contrast and organ visualization. In the 1950s, first nuclear medicine studies showed the up-take of very low-level radioactive chemicals in organs, using special gamma cameras. This medical imaging technology allows information of biologic processes in vivo. Today, PET and SPECT play an important role in both clinical research and diagnosis of biochemical and physiologic processes. In 1955, the first x-ray image intensifier allowed the pick up and display of x-ray movies.
In the 1960s, the principals of sonar were applied to diagnostic imaging. Ultrasonic waves generated by a quartz crystal are reflected at the interfaces between different tissues, received by the ultrasound machine, and turned into pictures with the use of computers and reconstruction software. Ultrasound imaging is an important diagnostic tool, and there are great opportunities for its further development. Looking into the future, the grand challenges include targeted contrast agents, real-time 3D ultrasound imaging, and molecular imaging.
Digital imaging techniques were implemented in the 1970s into conventional fluoroscopic image intensifier and by Godfrey Hounsfield with the first computed tomography. Digital images are electronic snapshots sampled and mapped as a grid of dots or pixels. The introduction of x-ray CT revolutionised medical imaging with cross sectional images of the human body and high contrast between different types of soft tissue. These developments were made possible by analog to digital converters and computers. The multislice spiral CT technology has expands the clinical applications dramatically.
The first MRI devices were tested on clinical patients in 1980. The spread of CT machines is the spur to the rapid development of MRI imaging and the introduction of tomographic imaging techniques into diagnostic nuclear medicine. With technological improvements including higher field strength, more open MRI magnets, faster gradient systems, and novel data-acquisition techniques, MRI is a real-time interactive imaging modality that provides both detailed structural and functional information of the body.
Today, imaging in medicine has advanced to a stage that was inconceivable 100 years ago, with growing medical imaging modalities:
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
Positron emission tomography (PET)

All this type of scans are an integral part of modern healthcare. Because of the rapid development of digital imaging modalities, the increasing need for an efficient management leads to the widening of radiology information systems (RIS) and archival of images in digital form in picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). In telemedicine, healthcare professionals are linked over a computer network. Using cutting-edge computing and communications technologies, in videoconferences, where audio and visual images are transmitted in real time, medical images of MRI scans, x-ray examinations, CT scans and other pictures are shareable.
See also Hybrid Imaging.

See also the related poll results: 'In 2010 your scanner will probably work with a field strength of', 'MRI will have replaced 50% of x-ray exams by'
Radiology-tip.comradDiagnostic Imaging
Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.comMedical Imaging

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• View the NEWS results for 'Medical Imaging' (81).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Image Characteristics and Quality
Multimodal Nanoparticles for Quantitative Imaging(.pdf)
Tuesday, 13 December 2011   by    
Medical imaging shows cost control problem
Tuesday, 6 November 2012   by    
  News & More:
iMPI: An Exploration of Post-Launch Advancements
Friday, 29 September 2023   by    
Advances in medical imaging enable visualization of white matter tracts in fetuses
Wednesday, 12 May 2021   by www.eurekalert.or    
Positron Emission Tomographic Imaging in Stroke
Monday, 28 December 2015   by    
Multiparametric MRI for Detecting Prostate Cancer
Wednesday, 17 December 2014   by    
Combination of MRI and PET imaging techniques can prevent second breast biopsy
Sunday, 29 June 2014   by    
3D-DOCTOR Tutorial
Searchterm 'Device' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (21) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (74) Open this link in a new window
Monoclonal AntibodiesInfoSheet: - Contrast Agents - 
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
(McAb) Monoclonal antibodies are used for tumor detection and localization in nuclear medicine. In MRI, monoclonal antibodies labeled with paramagnetic or superparamagnetic particles are being studied for targeting tumors, for example contrast agent containing gadolinium attached to a targeting antibody. The antibody would bind to a specific target (e.g., a metastatic melanoma cell) while the gadolinium would increase the MRI signal. Further developments are MRI contrast agents that specifically target glucose receptors on tumor cells; coupled with the high spatial resolution of high field MRI devices, these agents have potentials to detect small tumor foci.
The monoclonal antibody manufacturers produce a wide variety of ligands, which can be directed against a multiplicity of pathologic molecular targets. MRI enhanced with targeted contrast agents can be used for molecular imaging.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Monoclonal Antibodies' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Measuring mAbs with magnetic resonance can help regulatory testing
Thursday, 23 April 2015   by    
Repligen - Eyeing Sustainable Profitability
Monday, 31 October 2011   by    
MRI Resources 
Breast Implant - Abdominal Imaging - Artifacts - Mobile MRI Rental - Education - MR Guided Interventions
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