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Fluoroscopic triggering is a method (see automatic bolus detection) used to time the start of a contrast enhanced dynamic or MRA sequence. After the bolus injection of a contrast medium, the bolus can be tracked with a real time sequence. The operator starts the sequence, when the contrast is visual identified on the monitor.
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Further Reading:
Fast Contrast Enhanced Imaging with Projection Reconstruction(.pdf)
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Automatic Bolus DetectionInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
Automatic bolus detection is used to trigger the begin of the MRI scan with the time the contrast agent reaches the region of interest. The acquisition process is started once the signal is increased in this region. There are similar methods used by the scanner manufacturer (see MRI Acronyms for Automatic Bolus Detection). After injection of the contrast agent the region of interest is monitored (e.g. with a spin echo or gradient echo sequence). When the signal increases the scan is automatically triggered or the operator is informed.

See also Abdominal Imaging, Bolus Injection, Fluoroscopic Triggering, Care Bolus, and Bolus Tracking.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Automatic Bolus Detection' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Fast Contrast Enhanced Imaging with Projection Reconstruction(.pdf)
  News & More:
Abdominal MR angio: fast, reproducible, and safe
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