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Knee MRI
Knee MRI, with its high soft tissue contrast is one of the main imaging tools to depict knee joint pathology. MRI allows accurate imaging of intra-articular structures such as ligaments, cartilage, menisci, bone marrow, synovium, and adjacent soft tissue.
Knee exams require a dedicated extremity coil, providing a homogenous imaging volume and high SNR to ensure best signal coverage. A complete knee MR examination includes for example sagittal and coronal T1 weighted, and proton density weighted pulse sequences +/- fat saturation, or STIR sequences. For high spatial resolution, maximal 4 mm thick slices with at least an in plane resolution of 0.75 mm and small gap are recommended. To depict the anterior cruciate ligament clearly, the sagittal plane has to be rotated 10 - 20° externally (parallel to the medial border of the femoral condyle). Retropatellar cartilage can bee seen for example in axial T2 weighted gradient echo sequences with Fatsat. However, the choice of the pulse sequences is depended of the diagnostic question, the used scanner, and preference of the operator.
Diagnostic quality in knee imaging is possible with field strengths ranging from 0.2 to 3T. With low field strengths more signal averages must be measured, resulting in increased scan times to provide equivalent quality as high field strengths.
More diagnostic information of meniscal tears and chondral defects can be obtained by direct magnetic resonance arthrography, which is done by introducing a dilute solution of gadolinium in saline (1:1000) into the joint capsule. The knee is then scanned in all three planes using T1W sequences with fat suppression. For indirect arthrography, the contrast is given i.v. and similar scans are started 20 min. after injection and exercise of the knee.
Frequent indications of MRI scans in musculoskeletal knee diseases are:
e.g., meniscal degeneration and tears, ligament injuries, osteochondral fractures, osteochondritis dissecans, avascular bone necrosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

See also Imaging of the Extremities and STIR.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images T1 Weighted  Open this link in a new window

 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 2  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 Knee MRI Coronal Pd Spir 001  Open this link in a new window
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images STIR  Open this link in a new window

 Axial Knee MRI Images T2 Weighted  Open this link in a new window
 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 1  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

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Further Reading:
Musculoskeletal MRI at 3.0 T: Relaxation Times and Image Contrast
Sunday, 1 August 2004   by    
Knee, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (MRI)
Tuesday, 28 March 2006   by    
  News & More:
NSAIDs May Worsen Arthritis Inflammation
Monday, 21 November 2022   by    
A Knee MRI in Half the Time? It's Possible
Thursday, 8 April 2021   by    
Seniors, patients, astronauts will all benefit from new USask research on bone health
Saturday, 27 February 2021   by    
3D mapping algorithm reads knee MRIs for new arthritis treatments
Thursday, 11 June 2020   by    
MRI T2 Mapping of the Knee Providing Synthetic Morphologic Images: Comparison to Conventional Turbo Spin-Echo MRI
Tuesday, 1 October 2019   by    
Researcher uses MRI to measure joint's geometry and role in severe knee injury
Tuesday, 23 September 2014   by    
Abnormalities on MRI predict knee replacement
Monday, 9 March 2015   by    
Searchterm 'Gadolinium' was also found in the following service: 
Radiology  (1) Open this link in a new window
Lumbar Spine MRI
MRI of the lumbar spine, with its multiplanar 3 dimensional imaging capability, is currently the preferred modality for establishing a diagnosis. MRI scans and magnetic resonance myelography have many advantages compared with computed tomography and/or X-ray myelography in evaluating the lumbar spine. MR imaging scans large areas of the spine without ionizing radiation, is noninvasive, not affected by bone artifacts, provides vascular imaging capability, and makes use of safer contrast agents (gadolinium chelate).
Due to the high level of tissue contrast resolution, nerves and discs are clearly visible. MRI is excellent for detecting degenerative disease in the spine. Lumbar spine MRI accurately shows disc disease (prolapsed disc or slipped disc), the level at which disc disease occurs, and if a disc is compressing spinal nerves. Lumbar spine MRI depicts soft tissues, including the cauda equina, spinal cord, ligaments, epidural fat, subarachnoid space, and intervertebral discs. Loss of epidural fat on T1 weighted images, loss of cerebrospinal fluid signal around the dural sac on T2 weighted images and degenerative disc disease are common features of lumbar stenosis.

Common indications for MRI of the lumbar spine:
Neurologic deficits, evidence of radiculopathy, acute spinal cord compression (e.g., sudden bowel/bladder disturbance)
Suspected systemic disorders (primary tumors, drop metastases, osteomyelitis)
Postoperative evaluation of lumbar spine: disk vs. scar
Localized back pain with no radiculopathy (leg pain)

Lumbar spine imaging requires a special spine coil. often used whole spine array coils have the advantage that patients do not need other positioning if also upper parts of the spine should be scanned. Sagittal T1 and T2 weighted FSE sequences are the standard views. With multi angle oblique techniques individually oriented transverse images of each intervertebral disc at different angles can be obtained.

See also the related poll result: 'MRI will have replaced 50% of x-ray exams by'
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Anatomic Imaging of the Lumbar Spine  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman


• View the DATABASE results for 'Lumbar Spine MRI' (6).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Lumbar Spine Stenosis: A Common Cause of Back and Leg Pain
Spine imaging after lumbar disc replacement: pitfalls and current recommendations
Tuesday, 21 July 2009   by    
  News & More:
Impact of patient-reported symptom information on lumbar spine MRI Interpretation
Monday, 25 January 2021   by    
Lumbar spine MRI reports are too difficult for patients to understand
Friday, 29 March 2019   by    
Inappropriate Ordering of Lumbar Spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Are Providers Choosing Wisely? -
Tuesday, 2 February 2016   by    
How Weight-Bearing MRIs Can Improve Care & Lower Costs While Meeting Milliman Criteria
Friday, 4 October 2013   by    
Lumbar Diskal Cyst Containing Intervertebral Disk Materials
Tuesday, 1 November 2011   by    
A Study of the Morphology of Lumbar Discs in Sitting and Standing Positions Using a 0.5T Open- Configuration MRI(.pdf)
2001   by    
MRI Resources 
Fluorescence - Open Directory Project - - Devices - Crystallography - Knee MRI
Magnetization Transfer Contrast
(MTC) This MRI method increases the contrast by removing a portion of the total signal in tissue. An off resonance radio frequency (RF) pulse saturates macromolecular protons to make them invisible (caused by their ultra-short T2* relaxation times). The MRI signal from semi-solid tissue like brain parenchyma is reduced, and the signal from a more fluid component like blood is retained.
E.g., saturation of broad spectral lines may produce decreases in intensity of lines not directly saturated, through exchange of magnetization between the corresponding states; more closely coupled states will show a greater resulting intensity change. Magnetization transfer techniques make demyelinated brain or spine lesions (as seen e.g. in multiple sclerosis) better visible on T2 weighted images as well as on gadolinium contrast enhanced T1 weighted images.
Off resonance makes use of a selection gradient during an off resonance MTC pulse. The gradient has a negative offset frequency on the arterial side of the imaging volume (caudally more off resonant and cranially less off resonant). The net effect of this type of pulse is that the arterial blood outside the imaging volume will retain more of its longitudinal magnetization, with more vascular signal when it enters the imaging volume. Off resonance MTC saturates the venous blood, leaving the arterial blood untouched.
On resonance has no effect on the free water pool but will saturate the bound water pool and is the difference in T2 between the pools. Special binomial pulses are transmitted causing the magnetization of the free protons to remain unchanged. The z-magnetization returns to its original value. The spins of the bound pool with a short T2 experience decay, resulting in a destroyed magnetization after the on resonance pulse.

See also Magnetization Transfer.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Magnetization Transfer Contrast' (5).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
MRI of the Human Eye Using Magnetization Transfer Contrast Enhancement
Searchterm 'Gadolinium' was also found in the following services: 
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MetallofullerenesInfoSheet: - Contrast Agents - 
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
The paramagnetic water-soluble metallofullerenes (Gd-fullerenols), which have strong T1 shortening effect, can be used as a novel core material of MRI contrast agents. Gadolinium endohedral metallofullerenes have been synthesized as polyhydroxyl forms (Gd@C82(OH)n, Gd-fullerenes) with the evaluation of their paramagnetic properties. The modification to the water-soluble forms is essential for the biomedical application of the metallofullerenes. The in vitro water proton relaxivity, R1 (the effect on 1/T1), of Gd-fullerenes is significantly higher (20-folds) than that of commercial MRI contrast agents - e.g. Gd-DTPA.

• View the NEWS results for 'Metallofullerenes' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
A Single X-Ray Strike Is Enough to Destroy an Entire Molecule
Friday, 20 March 2020   by    
Searchterm 'Gadolinium' was also found in the following service: 
Radiology  (1) Open this link in a new window
MultiHance®InfoSheet: - Contrast Agents - 
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Contrast Agents -
MultiHance® is a paramagnetic contrast agent for use in diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver and central nervous system. MultiHance® is a small molecular weight chelate, which tightly binds the Gd atom. The substance is excreted partly by the kidneys, partly by the biliary system, which is especially unique.
MultiHance® is indicated, for the detection of focal liver lesions in patients with known or suspected primary liver cancer (e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma) or metastatic disease.
MultiHance® is also indicated in brain MRI and spine MRI where it improves the detection of lesions and provides diagnostic information additional to that obtained with unenhanced MRI.
Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRA can provide superior vascular signal intensity and SNR, as compared with Gd-DTPA, due to its higher relaxivity, even at lower doses.
1 ml of solution MultiHance® contains: (0.5M) gadobenate dimeglumine 529 mg = gadobenic acid 334 mg + meglumine 195 mg. Viscosity at 37°C: 5.3 mPa

WARNING: NEPHROGENIC SYSTEMIC FIBROSIS Gadolinium-based contrast agents increase the risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) in patients with acute or chronic severe renal insufficiency (glomerular filtration rate less than 30 mL/min/1.73m2), or acute renal insufficiency of any severity due to the hepato-renal syndrome or in the perioperative liver transplantation period.
Drug Information and Specification
Gadobenate dimeglumine, Gd-BOPTA, E7155
T1, predominantly positive enhancement
r1=9.7, r2=12.5, B0=0.5 T
Extracellular, hepatobiliary
1970 mosm/kg
334 mg/ml
0.05 mmol/kg for Liver MRI
0.1 mmol/kg for CNS MRI
Solution for injection
CNS, Liver MRI
For sale
See below
Vials of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mL, 50 and 100 mL Multipacks (Pharmacy Bulk Package)
Distribution Information
for sale
for sale
for sale

• View the DATABASE results for 'MultiHance®' (9).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'MultiHance®' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Important Drug Warning for Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents
Wednesday, 12 September 2007   by    
MultiHance Package Insert(.pdf)
  News & More:
FDA Expands Pediatric Age Range for MultiHance Contrast Agent
Tuesday, 30 January 2018   by    
Wednesday, 24 November 2004   by    
MRI Resources 
Breast MRI - Pathology - Case Studies - Libraries - Abdominal Imaging - Fluorescence
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