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Motexafin GadoliniumInfoSheet: - Contrast Agents - 
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
An agent currently in Phase III clinical trials that selectively targets diseased cells because they have increased rates of metabolism. Once inside the diseased cell, motexafin gadolinium may work to disrupt its energy production and the ability to repair itself. This biolocalization can be confirmed because the compound can be seen via MRI. Motexafin gadolinium accumulates in diseased cells with repeat doses and remains in the cells for days.
Motexafin gadolinium is being investigated in clinical trials, in combination chemotherapy and with radiation therapy for the treatment of several types of cancer.

• View the NEWS results for 'Motexafin Gadolinium' (2).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
Pharmacyclics Receives Non-Approvable Letter from the FDA for Xcytrin for the Treatment of Lung Cancer Brain Metastases
Friday, 21 December 2007   by    
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Ultrasound  (5) Open this link in a new window
Motion ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Please note that there are different common names for this artifact.
Artifact Information
Motion, phase encoded motion, instability, smearing
Blurring and ghosting
Movement of the imaged object
Compensation techniques, more averages, anti spasmodic
Patient motion is the largest physiological effect that causes artifacts, often resulting from involuntary movements (e.g. respiration, cardiac motion and blood flow, eye movements and swallowing) and minor subject movements.
Movement of the object being imaged during the sequence results in inconsistencies in phase and amplitude, which lead to blurring and ghosting. The nature of the artifact depends on the timing of the motion with respect to the acquisition. Causes of motion artifacts can also be mechanical vibrations, cryogen boiling, large iron objects moving in the fringe field (e.g. an elevator), loose connections anywhere, pulse timing variations, as well as sample motion. These artifacts appear in the phase encoding direction, independent of the direction of the motion.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Motion artifacts can be flipped 90° by swapping the phase//frequency encoding directions.
The artifacts can be reduced by using breath holding, cardiac synchronization or respiratory compensation techniques: triggering, gating, retrospective triggering or phase encoding artifact reduction. Flow effects can be reduced by using gradient moment nulling of the first order of flow, gradient moment rephasing or flow compensation, depending of the MRI system.
Peristaltic motion can be reduced with the intravenous injection of an anti-spasmodic (e.g. Buscopan).
By using multiple averages, respiratory motion can be reduced in the same way that multiple averages increase the signal to noise ratio. Noticeable motion averaging is seen when four averages are obtained, six averages are often as good as respiratory compensation techniques and higher averages will continue to improve image quality.
In some cases will help a presaturation of the anatomy that was generating the motion.

See also Phase Encoded Motion Artifact.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Motion Artifact' (24).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
The Effects of Breathing Motion on DCE-MRI Images: Phantom Studies Simulating Respiratory Motion to Compare CAIPIRINHA-VIBE, Radial-VIBE, and Conventional VIBE
Tuesday, 7 February 2017   by    
  News & More:
Patient movement during MRI: Additional points to ponder
Tuesday, 5 January 2016   by    
Motion-compensation of Cardiac Perfusion MRI using a Statistical Texture Ensemble(.pdf)
June 2003   by    
MRI Resources 
Jobs - Cardiovascular Imaging - Open Directory Project - Spine MRI - Musculoskeletal and Joint MRI - Implant and Prosthesis pool
Out of Phase
Water and fat signals being in or out of phase result from the FFE method and the slight difference in resonance frequencies of the protons. It can cause black "outlining" of tissues and decrease in signal from voxel containing both water and fat. At 1.5 T, the water and fat signal are in phase when TE is an even multiple, and out of phase when TE is an odd multiple of 2.3 ms.
1.5T: OUT of PHASE = 2.3, 6.9, 11.5, 16.1, 20.7 ms
1.0T: OUT of PHASE = 3.5, 10.4, 17.3, 24.2 ms
0.5T: OUT of PHASE = 6.9, 20.7 ms

See also Opposed Phase Image, and Dixon.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MRI Liver Out Of Phase  Open this link in a new window

• View the DATABASE results for 'Out of Phase' (17).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Adrenal Myelolipoma
Tuesday, 19 June 2001   by    
Improved shim method based on the minimization of the maximum off-resonance frequency for balanced SSFP
Monday, 1 June 2009   by    
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Oversampling is the increase in data to avoid aliasing and wrap around artifacts. Aliasing is the incorrectly mapping of tissue signal from outside the FOV to a location inside the FOV. This is caused by the fact, that the acquired k-space frequency data is not sampled density enough.
Oversampling in frequency direction, done by increasing the sampling frequency, prevents this aliasing artifact. The proper frequency based on the sampling theorem (Shannon sampling theorem/Nyquist sampling theorem) must be at least twice the frequency of each frequency component in the incoming signal. All frequency components above this limit will be aliased to frequencies between zero and half of the sampling frequency and combined with the proper signal information, which creates the artifact. Oversampling creates a larger field of view, more data needs to be stored and processed, but this is for modern MRI systems not a real problem. Oversampling in phase direction (no phase wrap), to eliminate wrap around artifacts, by increasing the number of phase encoding steps, results in longer scan/processing times.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Oversampling' (10).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
The Basics of MRI
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
Searchterm 'In Phase' was also found in the following service: 
Ultrasound  (5) Open this link in a new window
Partial Fourier Technique
The partial Fourier technique is a modification of the Fourier transformation imaging method used in MRI in which the symmetry of the raw data in k-space is used to reduce the data acquisition time by acquiring only a part of k-space data.
The symmetry in k-space is a basic property of Fourier transformation and is called Hermitian symmetry. Thus, for the case of a real valued function g, the data on one half of k-space can be used to generate the data on the other half.
Utilization of this symmetry to reduce the acquisition time depends on whether the MRI problem obeys the assumption made above, i.e. that the function being characterized is real.
The function imaged in MRI is the distribution of transverse magnetization Mxy, which is a vector quantity having a magnitude, and a direction in the transverse plane. A convenient mathematical notation is to use a complex number to denote a vector quantity such as the transverse magnetization, by assigning the x'-component of the magnetization to the real part of the number and the y'-component to the imaginary part. (Sometimes, this mathematical convenience is stretched somewhat, and the magnetization is described as having a real component and an imaginary component. Physically, the x' and y' components of Mxy are equally 'real' in the tangible sense.)
Thus, from the known symmetry properties for the Fourier transformation of a real valued function, if the transverse magnetization is entirely in the x'-component (i.e. the y'-component is zero), then an image can be formed from the data for only half of k-space (ignoring the effects of the imaging gradients, e.g. the readout- and phase encoding gradients).
The conditions under which Hermitian symmetry holds and the corrections that must be applied when the assumption is not strictly obeyed must be considered.
There are a variety of factors that can change the phase of the transverse magnetization:
Off resonance (e.g. chemical shift and magnetic field inhomogeneity cause local phase shifts in gradient echo pulse sequences. This is less of a problem in spin echo pulse sequences.
Flow and motion in the presence of gradients also cause phase shifts.
Effects of the radio frequency RF pulses can also cause phase shifts in the image, especially when different coils are used to transmit and receive.
Only, if one can assume that the phase shifts are slowly varying across the object (i.e. not completely independent in each pixel) significant benefits can still be obtained. To avoid problems due to slowly varying phase shifts in the object, more than one half of k-space must be covered. Thus, both sides of k-space are measured in a low spatial frequency range while at higher frequencies they are measured only on one side. The fully sampled low frequency portion is used to characterize (and correct for) the slowly varying phase shifts.
Several reconstruction algorithms are available to achieve this. The size of the fully sampled region is dependent on the spatial frequency content of the phase shifts. The partial Fourier method can be employed to reduce the number of phase encoding values used and therefore to reduce the scan time. This method is sometimes called half-NEX, 3/4-NEX imaging, etc. (NEX/NSA). The scan time reduction comes at the expense of signal to noise ratio (SNR).
Partial k-space coverage is also useable in the readout direction. To accomplish this, the dephasing gradient in the readout direction is reduced, and the duration of the readout gradient and the data acquisition window are shortened.
This is often used in gradient echo imaging to reduce the echo time (TE). The benefit is at the expense in SNR, although this may be partly offset by the reduced echo time. Partial Fourier imaging should not be used when phase information is eligible, as in phase contrast angiography.

See also acronyms for 'partial Fourier techniques' from different manufacturers.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Fourier Technique' (6).Open this link in a new window

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