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No Phase Wrap
(NPW / PNW - Phase No Wrap) If the receiving RF coil is sensitive to tissue signal arising from outside the desired FOV, this undesired signal may be incorrectly mapped, or wrapped back to a location within the image and is seen as artifact. This problem occurs in the phase encoding direction, where the phases of signal-bearing tissues outside of the FOV in the y-direction are a replication of the phases that are encoded within the FOV.
A user-selectable parameter maps this signal to its correct location outside the FOV, then discards any signal from outside the FOV before displaying the image. No phase wrap works by filling k-space to the same extent, using twice as many phase encoding steps. In order to be able to choose this parameter, in most cases more than an average is necessary.

See Foldover Suppression and Oversampling.
• Related Searches:
    • Phase Encoded Motion Artifact
    • Anti Wrap
    • Rectangular Field of View
    • Foldover Suppression
    • Phase Wrapping Artifact
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Number of Excitations
(NEX) How many times each line of k-space data is acquired during the scan.

See also Signal Averaging.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Number of Excitations' (5).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Body: Applications and Challenges in Oncology
Friday, 1 June 2007   by    
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Oversampling is the increase in data to avoid aliasing and wrap around artifacts. Aliasing is the incorrectly mapping of tissue signal from outside the FOV to a location inside the FOV. This is caused by the fact, that the acquired k-space frequency data is not sampled density enough.
Oversampling in frequency direction, done by increasing the sampling frequency, prevents this aliasing artifact. The proper frequency based on the sampling theorem (Shannon sampling theorem/Nyquist sampling theorem) must be at least twice the frequency of each frequency component in the incoming signal. All frequency components above this limit will be aliased to frequencies between zero and half of the sampling frequency and combined with the proper signal information, which creates the artifact. Oversampling creates a larger field of view, more data needs to be stored and processed, but this is for modern MRI systems not a real problem. Oversampling in phase direction (no phase wrap), to eliminate wrap around artifacts, by increasing the number of phase encoding steps, results in longer scan/processing times.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Oversampling' (10).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
The Basics of MRI
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
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Partial Averaging
Partial averaging is a scan time reduction method that takes advantage of the complex conjugate of the k-space. The number of phase encoding steps of the acquisition matrix are reduced in the phase encoding direction.
Since negative values of phase encoded measurements are identical to corresponding positive values, only a little over half (more than 62.5%) of a scan actually needs to be acquired to replicate an entire scan. This results in a reduction in scan time at the expense of signal to noise ratio. The time reduction can be nearly a factor of two, but full resolution is maintained.
Partial Fourier averaging can be used when scan times are long, the signal to noise ratio is not critical and where full spatial resolution is required. Partial averaging is particularly appropriate for scans with a large field of view and relatively thick slices; and in 3D scans with many slices. In some fast scanning techniques the use of partial averaging enables a shorter TE thus improving contrast.
Partial averaging is also called Fractional NEX, Half Scan, Half Fourier, Phase Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side Encoding.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Averaging' (4).Open this link in a new window

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Partial Fourier Imaging
Reconstruction of an image from a MR data set comprising an asymmetric sampling of k-space. For example, it can be used either to shorten image acquisition time, by reducing the number of phase encoding steps required, or to shorten the echo time, TE, by moving the echo off-center in the acquisition window. In either case the signal to noise ratio is reduced and the resolution can be improved to correspond to the maximum available resolution in the data.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Fourier Imaging' (5).Open this link in a new window

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