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Phased Array CoilInfoSheet: - Coils - 
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The phased array coils operate typically as receive only coils. In that case, the in the MRI device implemented body coil act as the transmitter and sends the radio frequency energy to generate the excitation pulses. State-of-the-art array coil systems include the use of 4 (up to 32) coils with separate receivers. This method is often referred to as a phased array system, although the signals are not added such that the signal phase information is included. The use of phased array coils allows the decreasing of the number of signal averages, which shortens the scan time by high SNR and resolution.
High-sensitivity RF surface coils and digital processing algorithms have been developed that speed up image acquisition and reconstruction during the MRI scan.
Fast parallel imaging techniques, for example sensitivity encoding (SENSE), 'Partially Parallel Imaging with Localized Sensitivity' (PILS), Simultaneous Acquisition of Spatial Harmonics (SMASH) or Array Spatial Sensitivity Encoding Technique (ASSET) use phased array multichannel coils to further improve spatial and temporal resolution. The sensitivity profile of a phased array coil element is measured by a separate low resolution 3D acquisition over the entire field of view in the case of a SENSE acquisition. For an mSENSE measurement, a self-calibration acquires some of the missing lines in the center of the k-space.
Also called linear array coil or synergy surface coil.

See also the related poll result: '3rd party coils are better than the original manufacturer coils'
• Related Searches:
    • Sensitivity Encoding
    • Imaging Coil
    • Array Coil
    • Sensitive Volume
    • Temporal Resolution
Further Reading:
Coil Arrays for Parallel MRI: Introduction and Overview.
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Stimulator pool - Directories - Education pool - Patient Information - Non-English - MRA
Quadrupole ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
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Quick Overview
Artifact Information
Quadrupole artifact
Signal loss, intensity variations
B1 disturbance
Fat suppression (SPIR or FatSat) is very critical to the magnetic field homogeneity. Eddy currents in the patient results in B1 disturbance from left to right and from anterior to posterior. The artifact is seen as signal intensity variations with SPIR, like a signal intensity loss diagonal in the image. The short T1 inversion recovery (STIR) sequence is due to another type of fat suppression insensitive to this artifact.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
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Radio Frequency Pulse
A pulse is a rapid change in the amplitude of a RF signal or in some characteristic a RF signal, e.g., phase or frequency, from a baseline value to a higher or lower value, followed by a rapid return to the baseline value. For radio frequencies near the Larmor frequency, it will result in rotation of the macroscopic magnetization vector. The amount of rotation will depend on the strength and duration of the RF pulse; commonly used examples are 90° (p/2) and 180° (p) pulses.
RF pulses are used in the spin preparation phase of a pulse sequence, which prepare the spin system for the ensuing measurements. In many sequences, RF pulses are also applied to the volumes outside the one to be measured. This is the case when spatial presaturation techniques are used to suppress artifacts. Many preparation pulses are required in MR spectroscopy to suppress signal from unwanted spins. The simplest preparation pulse making use of spectroscopic properties is a fat saturation pulse, which specifically irradiates the patient at the fat resonant frequency, so that the magnetization coming from fat protons is tilted into the xy-plane where it is subsequently destroyed by a strong dephasing gradient.
The frequency spectrum of RF pulses is critical as it determines the spatial extension and homogeneity over which the spin magnetization is influenced while a gradient field is applied.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Radio Frequency Pulse' (16).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
MRI Safety: Monitoring Body Temperature During MRI
Thursday, 4 August 2011   by    
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Reverse Fast Imaging with Steady State PrecessionInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(PSIF) A heavily T2* weighted contrast enhanced gradient echo (mirrored FISP) technique. Because TE is relatively long, there are much flow artifacts and less signal to noise. In normal gradient echo techniques a FID-signal results after the RF pulses. This FID is rephased very fast and just before the next FID follows a spin echo signal. The SE is spoiled in FLASH sequences, but with PSIF sequences, only the SE is measured, not the FID.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Reverse Fast Imaging with Steady State Precession' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Fast T2 weighted imaging by PSIF at 0.2T for interventional MRI.(.pdf)
MRI Resources 
Pathology - Collections - Contrast Enhanced MRI - Distributors - Spectroscopy pool - Breast Implant
Sensitivity EncodingInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(SENSE) A MRI technique for relevant scan time reduction. The spatial information related to the coils of a receiver array are utilized for reducing conventional Fourier encoding. In principle, SENSE can be applied to any imaging sequence and k-space trajectories. However, it is particularly feasible for Cartesian sampling schemes. In 2D Fourier imaging with common Cartesian sampling of k-space sensitivity encoding by means of a receiver array enables to reduce the number of Fourier encoding steps.
SENSE reconstruction without artifacts relies on accurate knowledge of the individual coil sensitivities. For sensitivity assessment, low-resolution, fully Fourier-encoded reference images are required, obtained with each array element and with a body coil.
The major negative point of parallel imaging techniques is that they diminish SNR in proportion to the numbers of reduction factors. R is the factor by which the number of k-space samples is reduced. In standard Fourier imaging reducing the sampling density results in the reduction of the FOV, causing aliasing. In fact, SENSE reconstruction in the Cartesian case is efficiently performed by first creating one such aliased image for each array element using discrete Fourier transformation (DFT).
The next step then is to create a full-FOV image from the set of intermediate images. To achieve this one must undo the signal superposition underlying the fold-over effect. That is, for each pixel in the reduced FOV the signal contributions from a number of positions in the full FOV need to be separated. These positions form a Cartesian grid corresponding to the size of the reduced FOV.
The advantages are especially true for contrast-enhanced MR imaging such as dynamic liver MRI (liver imaging) , 3 dimensional magnetic resonance angiography (3D MRA), and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography (MRCP).
The excellent scan speed of SENSE allows for acquisition of two separate sets of hepatic MR images within the time regarded as the hepatic arterial-phase (double arterial-phase technique) as well as that of multidetector CT.
SENSE can also increase the time efficiency of spatial signal encoding in 3D MRA. With SENSE, even ultrafast (sub second) 4D MRA can be realized.
For MRCP acquisition, high-resolution 3D MRCP images can be constantly provided by SENSE. This is because SENSE resolves the presence of the severe motion artifacts due to longer acquisition time. Longer acquisition time, which results in diminishing image quality, is the greatest problem for 3D MRCP imaging.
In addition, SENSE reduces the train of gradient echoes in combination with a faster k-space traversal per unit time, thereby dramatically improving the image quality of single shot echo planar imaging (i.e. T2 weighted, diffusion weighted imaging).

• View the DATABASE results for 'Sensitivity Encoding' (12).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Image Characteristics and Quality
MRI Resources 
Movies - Used and Refurbished MRI Equipment - Intraoperative MRI - Safety Training - Databases - Universities
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