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A description of the factors used in creating an image should include the type and times of the pulse sequence, the number of signals averaged or added (NSA), the size of the reconstructed region, the size of the acquisition matrix in each direction, field of view and the slice thickness; usually printed at the border of MRI pictures.
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Array Spatial Sensitivity Encoding TechniqueInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(ASSET) ASSET is a parallel imaging technique of the SENSE type (image domain reconstruction).
Each coil element is sensitivity encoded and the covered spatial zone is mapped. By reducing the field of view in the phase encoding gradient direction the scan time decreases, but this images of each coil element contain foldover artifacts. The sensitivity profiles of the elements are used to calculate unfolded images.

See also Sensitivity Encoding, Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Array Spatial Sensitivity Encoding Technique' (4).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Research Labs - Nerve Stimulator - Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Open Directory Project - Anatomy - Mass Spectrometry
Artifact by Patient MovementInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Please note that there are different common names for this artifact.
Artifact Information
Motion, movement
Blurring, ghosting
Patient movement
Fast scan techniques
Patient movement during the scans are often an imaging problem. Artifacts from patient movement are widely varied due to a dependence when during k-space filling the motion occurs. When the patient moving causes only in the last few seconds of the scan at that time the outside edges of K-space were being filled, and as a result the artifact does not overly affect the image (there are only fine lines).
image guidance
Image Guidance
A good cooperation between the patient and the operator is the best way to avoid these artifacts, in difficult cases a sedative may help. If a compliance of the patient is not possible (e.g. pain, stroke, or consciousness), choose fast scan methods like gradient echo or single shot technique.

See also Motion Artifact and Phase Encoded Motion Artifact.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
Patient movement during MRI: Additional points to ponder
Tuesday, 5 January 2016   by    
MRI results affected by movement? MIT researchers have an AI-powered solution
Friday, 25 August 2023   by    
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Audio Frequency ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Artifact Information
Audio frequency
Ghosting, lines or spots
Wrong modulation at audio rate, wrong audio signal
AC-line synchronization
Two types of audio-frequency problems are possible:
1. Modulation of the MR signal at an audio rate
2. Audio signal component at digitizer input
Problem 1 looks like ghosts, weak copies of the real image, displaced along the phase encoding direction. The number and intensity of the ghosts depends upon the relationship between the period of the audio modulation and the repetition time.
Problem 2 shows up as lines or spots at the appropriate points along the frequency direction. If there is no correlation between the audio period and TR, lines are generated or discrete spots occur.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Both problems can be lessened by use of AC-line synchronization (line trigger).
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BandwidthForum -
related threads
(BW) Bandwidth is a measure of frequency range, the range between the highest and lowest frequency allowed in the signal. For analog signals, which can be mathematically viewed as a function of time, bandwidth is the width, measured in Hertz of a frequency range in which the signal's Fourier transform is nonzero.
The receiver (or acquisition) bandwidth (rBW) is the range of frequencies accepted by the receiver to sample the MR signal. The receiver bandwidth is changeable (see also acronyms for 'bandwidth' from different manufacturers) and has a direct relationship to the signal to noise ratio (SNR) (SNR = 1/squareroot (rBW). The bandwidth depends on the readout (or frequency encoding) gradient strength and the data sampling rate (or dwell time).
Bandwidth is defined by BW = Sampling Rate/Number of Samples.
A smaller bandwidth improves SNR, but can cause spatial distortions, also increases the chemical shift. A larger bandwidth reduces SNR (more noise from the outskirts of the spectrum), but allows faster imaging.
The transmit bandwidth refers to the RF excitation pulse required for slice selection in a pulse sequence. The slice thickness is proportional to the bandwidth of the RF pulse (and inversely proportional to the applied gradient strength). Lowering the pulse bandwidth can reduce the slice thickness.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
A higher bandwidth is used for the reduction of chemical shift artifacts (lower bandwidth - more chemical shift - longer dwell time - but better signal to noise ratio). Narrow receive bandwidths accentuate this water fat shift by assigning a smaller number of frequencies across the MRI image. This effect is much more significant on higher field strengths. At 1.5 T, fat and water precess 220 Hz apart, which results in a higher shift than in Low Field MRI.
Lower bandwidth (measured in Hz) = higher water fat shift (measured in pixel shift).

See also Aliasing, Aliasing Artifact, Frequency Encoding, and Chemical Shift Artifact.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Bandwidth' (19).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Automated Quality Assurance for Magnetic Resonance Image with Extensions to Diffusion Tensor Imaging(.pdf)
A Real-Time Navigator Approach to Compensating for Motion Artifacts in Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography
MRI Resources 
Brain MRI - Stimulator pool - Quality Advice - Image Quality - MRCP - Safety Training
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