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 FISP            Fast Imaging with Steady state Precession 
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Fast Imaging with Steady PrecessionInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(TrueFISP) True fast imaging with steady state precession is a coherent technique that uses a fully balanced gradient waveform. The image contrast with TrueFISP is determined by T2*//T1 properties and mostly depending on TR. The speed and relative motion insensitivity of acquisition help to make the technique reliable, even in patients who have difficulty with holding their breath.
Recent advances in gradient hardware have led to a decreased minimum TR. This combined with improved field shimming capabilities and signal to noise ratio, has allowed TrueFISP imaging to become practical for whole-body applications. There's mostly T2* weighting. With the used ultrashort TR-times T1 weighting is almost impossible. One such application is cardiac cine MR with high myocardium-blood contrast. Spatial and temporal resolution can be substantially improved with this technique, but contrast on the basis of the ratio of T2* to T1 is not sufficiently high in soft tissues. By providing T1 contrast, TrueFISP could then document the enhancement effects of T1 shortening contrast agents. These properties are useful for the anatomical delineation of brain tumors and normal structures. With an increase in SNR ratio with minimum TR, TrueFISP could also depict the enhancement effect in myoma uteri. True FSIP is a technique that is well suited for cardiac MR imaging. The imaging time is shorter and the contrast between the blood and myocardium is higher than that of FLASH.

See Steady State Free Precession.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Cardiac Infarct 4 Chamber Cine 1  Open this link in a new window
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Further Reading:
Accurate T1 Quantification Using a Breath-hold Inversion Recovery TrueFISP Sequence
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Fast Imaging with Steady State PrecessionInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(FISP) A fast imaging sequence, which attempts to combine the signals observed separately in the FADE sequence, generally sensitive about magnetic susceptibility artifacts and imperfections in the gradient waveforms. Confusingly now often used to refer to a refocused FLASH type sequence.
This sequence is very similar to FLASH, except that the spoiler pulse is eliminated. As a result, any transverse magnetization still present at the time of the next RF pulse is incorporated into the steady state. FISP uses a RF pulse that alternates in sign. Because there is still some remaining transverse magnetization at the time of the RF pulse, a RF pulse of a degree flips the spins less than a degree from the longitudinal axis. With small flip angles, very little longitudinal magnetization is lost and the image contrast becomes almost independent of T1. Using a very short TE (with TR 20-50 ms, flip angle 30-45°) eliminates T2* effects, so that the images become proton density weighted. As the flip angle is increased, the contrast becomes increasingly dependent on T1 and T2*. It is in the domain of large flip angles and short TR that FISP exhibits vastly different contrast to FLASH type sequences. Used for T1 orthopedic imaging, 3D MPR, cardiography and angiography.

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Further Reading:
MRI techniques improve pulmonary embolism detection
Monday, 19 March 2012   by    
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Coherent Gradient EchoInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
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Coherent gradient echo sequences can measure the free induction decay (FID), generated just after each excitation pulse or the echo formed prior to the next pulse. Coherent gradient echo sequences are very sensitive to magnetic field inhomogeneity. An alternative to spoiling is to incorporate residual transverse magnetization directly into the longitudinal steady state. These GRE sequences use a refocusing gradient in the phase encoding direction during the end module to maximize remaining transverse (xy) magnetization at the time when the next excitation is due, while the other two gradients are, in any case, balanced.
When the next excitation pulse is sent into the system with an opposed phase, it tilts the magnetization in the -a direction. As a result the z-magnetization is again partly tilted into the xy-plane, while the remaining xy-magnetization is tilted partly into the z-direction.
A fully refocused sequence with a properly selected and uniform f would yield higher signal, especially for tissues with long T2 relaxation times (high water content) so it is used in angiographic, myelographic or arthrographic examinations and is used for T2* weighting. The repetition time for this sequence has to be short. With short TR, coherent GE is also useable for breath hold and 3D technique. If the repetition time is about 200 msec there's no difference between spoiled or unspoiled GE. T1 weighting is better with spoiled techniques.
The common types include GRASS, FISP, FAST, and FFE.
The T2* component decreases with long TR and short TE. The T1 time is controlled by flip angle. The common TR is less than 50 ms and the common TE less than 15 ms
Other types have stronger T2 dependence but lower SNR. They include SSFP, CE-FAST, PSIF, and CE-FFE-T2.
Examples of fully refocused FID sequences are TrueFISP, bFFE and bTFE.

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Constructive Interference Steady StateInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(CISS) This gradient echo sequence is a stimulated T2 echo. Two TrueFISP sequences are acquired with differing RF pulses and than combined for strong T2 Weighted high resolution 3D images.
These TrueFISP sequences are normally affected by dark phase dispersion bands, which are caused by patient induced local field inhomogeneities and made prominent by the relatively long TR used. The different excitation pulse regimes offset these bands in the 2 sequences. Combining the images results in a picture free of banding. The image combination is performed automatically after data collection, adding some time to the reconstruction process. The advantage of the 3D CISS sequence is its combination of high signal levels and extremely high spatial resolution.
Used for, e.g. inner ear, cranial nerves and cerebellum.

See also Steady State Free Precession.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
Pediatric and Adult Cochlear Implantation1
2003   by    
MRI Resources 
MRI Training Courses - Calculation - Artifacts - Process Analysis - Blood Flow Imaging - Claustrophobia
Dual Echo Steady StateInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(DESS) This sequence was originally known as FADE. It combines both the gradient echoes acquired in FISP and PSIF sequences in separate acquisition periods during a single interpulse interval. Phase encoding gradients are balanced to maintain the transverse steady state signals. The frequency encoding gradient is left on for the period of both the echoes, and is incompletely balanced to avoid dark banding artifacts otherwise associated with long TR fully balanced steady state sequences. The contrast of DESS is quite unique, true T2 or T1 contrast weighting is not possible. There is a strong fluid signal but fat is bright and other soft tissues appear similar to the short TR FISP image.
Used for, e.g. the joints, cartilage and the prostate.

See Steady State Free Precession and Dual Echo Sequence.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Dual Echo Steady State' (2).Open this link in a new window

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