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Acquisition Matrix
The total number of independent data samples in the frequency and phase directions (number of pixels in the frequency encoding - and phase encoding direction).
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If the receiving RF coil is sensitive to tissue signal arising from outside the desired FOV, this undesired signal may be incorrectly mapped to a location within the image, a phenomenon known as aliasing. This is a consequence of the acquired k-space frequencies not being sampled densely enough, whereby portions of the object outside of the desired FOV get mapped to an incorrect location inside the FOV. The sampling frequency should be at least twice the frequency being sampled. The maximum measurable frequency is therefore equal to half the sampling frequency. This is the so-called Nyquist limit. When the frequency is higher than the Nyquist limit, aliasing occurs.
A similar problem occurs in the phase encoding direction, where the phases of signal-bearing tissues outside of the FOV in the y-direction are a replication of the phases that are encoded within the FOV. This signal will be mapped, or wrapped back into the image at incorrect locations, and is seen as artifact.

See also Aliasing Artifact.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Aliasing' (19).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
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Aliasing ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Please note that there are different common names for this MRI artifact.
Artifact Information
Aliasing, backfolding, foldover, phase wrapping, wrap around
Image wrap around
Aliasing is an artifact that occurs in MR images when the scanned body part is larger than field of view (FOV). As a consequence of the acquired k-space frequencies not being sampled densely enough, whereby portions of the object outside of the desired FOV get mapped to an incorrect location inside the FOV. The cyclical property of the Fourier transform fills the missing data of the right side with data from behind the FOV of the left side and vice versa. This is caused by a too small number of samples acquired in, e.g. the frequency encoding direction, therefore the spectrums will overlap, resulting in a replication of the object in the x direction.
Aliasing in the frequency direction can be eliminated by twice as fast sampling of the signal or by applying frequency specific filters to the received signal.
A similar problem occurs in the phase encoding direction, where the phases of signal-bearing tissues outside of the FOV in the y-direction are a replication of the phases that are encoded within the FOV. Phase encoding gradients are scaled for the field of view only, therefore tissues outside the FOV do not get properly phase encoded relative to their actual position and 'wraps' into the opposite side of the image.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Use a larger FOV, RFOV or 3D Volume, apply presaturation pulses to the undesired tissue, adjust the position of the FOV, or select a small coil which will only receive signal from objects inside or near the coil. The number of phase encoding steps must be increased in phase direction, unfortunately resulting in longer scan times.
When this is not possible it can be corrected by oversampling the data. Aliasing is eliminated by Oversampling in frequency direction. No Phase Wrap (Foldover Suppression) options typically correct the phase encoding by doubling the field of view, doubling the number of phase encodes (to keep resolution constant) and halving the number of averages (to keep scan time constant) then discarding the additional data and processing the image within the desired field of view (but this is more time consuming).
Tissue outside this doubled area can be folded nevertheless into the image as phase wrap. In this case combine more than 2 number of excitations / number of signal averages with foldover suppression.
See also Aliasing, Foldover Suppression, Oversampling, and Artifact Reduction - Aliasing.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Aliasing Artifact' (11).Open this link in a new window

Searchterm 'phase encoding direction' was also found in the following service: 
Forum  (1)  
Asymmetric Sampling
The collection of more data points on one side of the k-space origin than on the other. With fewer k-space data points prior to the center (echo) a shorter echo time can be attained. Asymmetric acquisition in any phase encoding direction followed by partial-Fourier reconstruction leads to a reduction in imaging time.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Asymmetric Sampling' (2).Open this link in a new window

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Audio Frequency ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Artifact Information
Audio frequency
Ghosting, lines or spots
Wrong modulation at audio rate, wrong audio signal
AC-line synchronization
Two types of audio-frequency problems are possible:
1. Modulation of the MR signal at an audio rate
2. Audio signal component at digitizer input
Problem 1 looks like ghosts, weak copies of the real image, displaced along the phase encoding direction. The number and intensity of the ghosts depends upon the relationship between the period of the audio modulation and the repetition time.
Problem 2 shows up as lines or spots at the appropriate points along the frequency direction. If there is no correlation between the audio period and TR, lines are generated or discrete spots occur.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Both problems can be lessened by use of AC-line synchronization (line trigger).
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