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Flow QuantificationInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
Quantification relies on inflow effects or on spin phase effects and therefore on quantifying the phase shifts of moving tissues relative to stationary tissues.
With properly designed pulse sequences (see phase contrast sequence) the pixel by pixel phase represents a map of the velocities measured in the imaging plane. Spin phase effect-based flow quantification schemes use pulse sequences specifically designed so that the phase angle in a pixel obtained upon measuring the signal is proportional to the velocity. As the relation of the phase angle to the velocity is defined by the gradient amplitudes and the gradient switch-on times, which are known, velocity can be determined quantitatively on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Once, this velocity is known, the flow in a vessel can be determined by multiplying the pixel area with the pixel velocity. Summing this quantity for all pixels inside a vessel results in a flow volume, which is measured, e.g. in ml/sec.
Flow related enhancement-based flow quantification techniques (entry phenomena) work because spins in a section perpendicular to the vessel of interest are labeled with some radio frequency RF pulse. Positional readout of the tagged spins some time T later will show the distance D they have traveled.
For constant flow, the velocity v is obtained by dividing the distance D by the time T : v = D/T. Variations of this basic principle have been proposed to measure flow, but the standard methods to measure velocity and flow use the spin phase effect.
Cardiac MRI sequences are used to encode images with velocity information. These pulse sequences permit quantification of flow-related physiologic data, such as blood flow in the aorta or pulmonary arteries and the peak velocity across stenotic valves.
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Knee MRI
Knee MRI, with its high soft tissue contrast is one of the main imaging tools to depict knee joint pathology. MRI allows accurate imaging of intra-articular structures such as ligaments, cartilage, menisci, bone marrow, synovium, and adjacent soft tissue.
Knee exams require a dedicated extremity coil, providing a homogenous imaging volume and high SNR to ensure best signal coverage. A complete knee MR examination includes for example sagittal and coronal T1 weighted, and proton density weighted pulse sequences +/- fat saturation, or STIR sequences. For high spatial resolution, maximal 4 mm thick slices with at least an in plane resolution of 0.75 mm and small gap are recommended. To depict the anterior cruciate ligament clearly, the sagittal plane has to be rotated 10 - 20° externally (parallel to the medial border of the femoral condyle). Retropatellar cartilage can bee seen for example in axial T2 weighted gradient echo sequences with Fatsat. However, the choice of the pulse sequences is depended of the diagnostic question, the used scanner, and preference of the operator.
Diagnostic quality in knee imaging is possible with field strengths ranging from 0.2 to 3T. With low field strengths more signal averages must be measured, resulting in increased scan times to provide equivalent quality as high field strengths.
More diagnostic information of meniscal tears and chondral defects can be obtained by direct magnetic resonance arthrography, which is done by introducing a dilute solution of gadolinium in saline (1:1000) into the joint capsule. The knee is then scanned in all three planes using T1W sequences with fat suppression. For indirect arthrography, the contrast is given i.v. and similar scans are started 20 min. after injection and exercise of the knee.
Frequent indications of MRI scans in musculoskeletal knee diseases are:
e.g., meniscal degeneration and tears, ligament injuries, osteochondral fractures, osteochondritis dissecans, avascular bone necrosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

See also Imaging of the Extremities and STIR.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images T1 Weighted  Open this link in a new window

 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 2  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 Knee MRI Coronal Pd Spir 001  Open this link in a new window
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images STIR  Open this link in a new window

 Axial Knee MRI Images T2 Weighted  Open this link in a new window
 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 1  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for 'Knee MRI' (4).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Knee MRI' (4).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Musculoskeletal MRI at 3.0 T: Relaxation Times and Image Contrast
Sunday, 1 August 2004   by    
Knee, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (MRI)
Tuesday, 28 March 2006   by    
  News & More:
NSAIDs May Worsen Arthritis Inflammation
Monday, 21 November 2022   by    
A Knee MRI in Half the Time? It's Possible
Thursday, 8 April 2021   by    
Seniors, patients, astronauts will all benefit from new USask research on bone health
Saturday, 27 February 2021   by    
3D mapping algorithm reads knee MRIs for new arthritis treatments
Thursday, 11 June 2020   by    
MRI T2 Mapping of the Knee Providing Synthetic Morphologic Images: Comparison to Conventional Turbo Spin-Echo MRI
Tuesday, 1 October 2019   by    
Researcher uses MRI to measure joint's geometry and role in severe knee injury
Tuesday, 23 September 2014   by    
Abnormalities on MRI predict knee replacement
Monday, 9 March 2015   by    
MRI Resources 
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Spin EchoForum -
related threads
(SE) The Reappearance of the MR signal after the FID has apparently died away, as a result of the effective reversal (rephasing) of the dephasing spins by techniques such as specific RF pulse sequences or pairs of field gradient pulses, applied in time shorter than or on the order of T2. Proper selection of the TE time of the pulse sequence can help to control the amount of T1 or T2 contrast present in the image. Pulse sequences of the spin echo type, usually employs a 90° pulse, followed by one or more 180° pulses to eliminate field inhomogeneity and chemical shift effects at the echo. Caused by this 180° refocusing pulse, spin echo or fast spin echo (FSE, TSE) sequences are more robust against e.g. susceptibility artifacts than sequences of the gradient echo type.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Spin Echo' (96).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Spin Echo' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Spin echoes, CPMG and T2 relaxation - Introductory NMR & MRI from Magritek
2013   by    
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Searchterm 'sequence' was also found in the following services: 
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Susceptibility ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
Quick Overview
Artifact Information
Signal dropout, bright spots, spatial distortion
Remove the metal, do not take a gradient echo sequence, take a short echo time
Materials with magnetic susceptibility cause this artifact. There are in general three kinds of materials with magnetic susceptibility: ferromagnetic materials (iron, nickel etc.) with a strong influence and paramagnetic/diamagnetic (aluminium, platinum etc./gold, water, most organic compounds etc.) materials with a minimal/non influence on magnetic fields. In MRI, susceptibility artifacts are caused for example by medical devices in or near the magnetic field or by implants of the patient. These materials with magnetic susceptibility distort the linear magnetic field gradients, which results in bright areas (misregistered signals) and dark areas (no signal) nearby the magnetic material.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Use a spin echo or a fast spin echo sequence, because gradient echo sequences are more sensitve to susceptibility artifacts. A high bandwidth (small water fat shift) and a short echo time help also to reduce this artifact.
In some cases it is even beneficial to use a gradient echo sequence, e.g. a cavernom contains some iron-rich haemosiderin, which also causes a signal void on gradient echo sequences and for this purpose increases the diagnostic image quality.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Susceptibility Artifact' (8).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
MRI Artifact Gallery
Susceptibility Artifacts
  News & More:
Metal Artefact Reduction
Thursday, 9 June 2011   by    
Ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI of the spine in thalassaemia
February 2004   by    
MRI Resources 
Education pool - Contrast Enhanced MRI - Societies - General - Raman Spectroscopy - Software
Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent ContrastInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Functional MRI -
(BOLD) In MRI the changes in blood oxygenation level are visible. Oxyhaemoglobin (the principal haemoglobin in arterial blood) has no substantial magnetic properties, but deoxyhaemoglobin (present in the draining veins after the oxygen has been unloaded in the tissues) is strongly paramagnetic. It can thus serve as an intrinsic paramagnetic contrast agent in appropriately performed brain MRI. The concentration and relaxation properties of deoxyhaemoglobin make it a susceptibility , e.g. T2 relaxation effective contrast agent with little effect on T1 relaxation.
During activation of the brain, the oxygen consumption of the local tissue increase by approximately 5% with that the oxygen tension will decrease. As a consequence, after a short period of time vasodilatation occurs, resulting in a local increase of blood volume and flow by 20 - 40%. The incommensurate change in local blood flow and oxygen extraction increases the local oxygen level.
By using T2 weighted gradient echo EPI sequences, which are highly susceptibility sensitive and fast enough to capture the three-dimensional nature of activated brain areas will show an increase in signal intensity as oxyhaemoglobin is diamagnetic and deoxyhaemoglobin is paramagnetic. Other MR pulse sequences, such as spoiled gradient echo pulse sequences are also used.
As the effects are subtle and of the order of 2% in 1.5 T MR imaging, sophisticated methodology, paradigms and data analysis techniques have to be used to consistently demonstrate the effect.
As the BOLD effect is due to the deoxygenated blood in the draining veins, the spatial localization of the region where there is increased blood flow resulting in decreased oxygen extraction is not as precisely defined as the morphological features in MRI. Rather there is a physiological blurring, and is estimated that the linear dimensions of the physiological spatial resolution of the BOLD phenomenon are around 3 mm at best.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent Contrast' (6).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Vascular Filters of Functional MRI: Spatial Localization Using BOLD and CBV Contrast
  News & More:
A mechanistic computational framework to investigate the hemodynamic fingerprint of the blood oxygenation level-dependent signal
Tuesday, 29 August 2023   by    
The utility of texture analysis of kidney MRI for evaluating renal dysfunction with multiclass classification model
Tuesday, 30 August 2022   by    
MRI Technique Used to Identify Future Risk of Binge Drinking
Monday, 6 January 2020   by    
Gold Acupuncture Needle MRI Pain Discovery
Friday, 3 January 2014   by    
MRI method for measuring MS progression validated
Thursday, 19 December 2013   by    
MRI Resources 
Resources - MRI Accidents - Research Labs - Stent - Pathology - MRCP
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