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Gradient Echo SequenceForum -
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Gradient Echo Sequence Timing Diagram (GRE - sequence) A gradient echo is generated by using a pair of bipolar gradient pulses. In the pulse sequence timing diagram, the basic gradient echo sequence is illustrated. There is no refocusing 180° pulse and the data are sampled during a gradient echo, which is achieved by dephasing the spins with a negatively pulsed gradient before they are rephased by an opposite gradient with opposite polarity to generate the echo.
See also the Pulse Sequence Timing Diagram. There you will find a description of the components.
The excitation pulse is termed the alpha pulse α. It tilts the magnetization by a flip angle α, which is typically between 0° and 90°. With a small flip angle there is a reduction in the value of transverse magnetization that will affect subsequent RF pulses. The flip angle can also be slowly increased during data acquisition (variable flip angle: tilt optimized nonsaturation excitation). The data are not acquired in a steady state, where z-magnetization recovery and destruction by ad-pulses are balanced. However, the z-magnetization is used up by tilting a little more of the remaining z-magnetization into the xy-plane for each acquired imaging line.
Gradient echo imaging is typically accomplished by examining the FID, whereas the read gradient is turned on for localization of the signal in the readout direction. T2* is the characteristic decay time constant associated with the FID. The contrast and signal generated by a gradient echo depend on the size of the longitudinal magnetization and the flip angle. When α = 90° the sequence is identical to the so-called partial saturation or saturation recovery pulse sequence. In standard GRE imaging, this basic pulse sequence is repeated as many times as image lines have to be acquired. Additional gradients or radio frequency pulses are introduced with the aim to spoil to refocus the xy-magnetization at the moment when the spin system is subject to the next α pulse.
As a result of the short repetition time, the z-magnetization cannot fully recover and after a few initial α pulses there is an equilibrium established between z-magnetization recovery and z-magnetization reduction due to the α pulses.
Gradient echoes have a lower SAR, are more sensitive to field inhomogeneities and have a reduced crosstalk, so that a small or no slice gap can be used. In or out of phase imaging depending on the selected TE (and field strength of the magnet) is possible. As the flip angle is decreased, T1 weighting can be maintained by reducing the TR. T2* weighting can be minimized by keeping the TE as short as possible, but pure T2 weighting is not possible. By using a reduced flip angle, some of the magnetization value remains longitudinal (less time needed to achieve full recovery) and for a certain T1 and TR, there exist one flip angle that will give the most signal, known as the "Ernst angle".
Contrast values:
PD weighted: Small flip angle (no T1), long TR (no T1) and short TE (no T2*)
T1 weighted: Large flip angle (70°), short TR (less than 50ms) and short TE
T2* weighted: Small flip angle, some longer TR (100 ms) and long TE (20 ms)

Classification of GRE sequences can be made into four categories:
See also Gradient Recalled Echo Sequence, Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequence, Refocused Gradient Echo Sequence, Ultrafast Gradient Echo Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MRI Liver In Phase  Open this link in a new window
 MRI Liver Out Of Phase  Open this link in a new window
 MVP Parasternal  Open this link in a new window
 Breast MRI Images T1 Pre - Post Contrast  Open this link in a new window
 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
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Further Reading:
Enhanced Fast GRadient Echo 3-Dimensional (efgre3D) or THRIVE
  News & More:
MRI evaluation of fatty liver in day to day practice: Quantitative and qualitative methods
Wednesday, 3 September 2014   by    
T1rho-prepared balanced gradient echo for rapid 3D T1rho MRI
Monday, 1 September 2008   by    
MRI Resources 
Shoulder MRI - Pathology - Services and Supplies - Portals - Calculation - Mobile MRI Rental
MAGNETOM Skyra From Siemens Medical Systems; Received FDA clearance in 2010.
MAGNETOM Skyra is a top-of-the-line, patient friendly wide bore 3 Tesla MRI system.
The system is equipped with the Tim 4G and Dot system (Total imaging matrix and Day optimizing throughput), to enhance both productivity and image quality with the complete range of advanced applications for clinical routine and research. Tim 4G features lighter, trimmer MRI coils that take up less space inside the magnet but deliver a high coil element density with increased signal to noise ratio and the possibility to use high iPAT factors.
Device Information and Specification
Whole Body
Open bore
3 Tesla
Head, spine, torso/ body coil, neurovascular, cardiac, neck, shoulder, knee, wrist, foot//ankle and multi-purpose flex coils. Peripheral vascular, breast, shoulder.
CHANNELS (min. / max. configuration)
48, 64, 128
Chemical shift imaging, single voxel spectroscopy
iPAT, mSENSE and GRAPPA (image, k-space),CAIPIRINHA (k-space), noncontrast angiography, plaque imaging, radial motion compensation, Dixon
3D T1 spoiled GRE: 0.95 (256 matrix)
3D T1 spoiled GRE: 0.22 (256 matrix), Ultra-short TE
0.5 - 50 cm
or W x H
At isocenter: L-R 70 cm, A-P (with table) 55 cm
250 kg
MAGNET WEIGHT (gantry included)
5768 kg
DIMENSION H*W*D (gantry included)
173 x 231 x 219 cm
2.6 m / 4.6 m
Zero boil off rate, approx. 10 years
Water; single cryogen, 2 stage refrigeration
up to 200 T/m/s
45 mT/m
3 linear with 20 coils, 5 nonlinear 2nd-order
380 / 400 / 420 / 440 / 460 / 480 V, 3-phase + ground; 110 kVA
MRI Resources 
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Small Tip Angle Gradient EchoInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Sequences -
(STAGE) A gradient echo sequence with low flip angles and spoiled gradients.
See Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequence.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Small Tip Angle Gradient Echo' (3).Open this link in a new window

Searchterm 'spoiled' was also found in the following service: 
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Small Tip Angle Gradient Echo T1 WeightedInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Breast Implant - Quality Advice - Liver Imaging - MRI Technician and Technologist Career - Raman Spectroscopy - Distributors
Abdominal ImagingMRI Resource Directory:
 - Abdominal Imaging -
General MRI of the abdomen can consist of T1 or T2 weighted spin echo, fast spin echo (FSE, TSE) or gradient echo sequences with fat suppression and contrast enhanced MRI techniques. The examined organs include liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenals as well as parts of the stomach and intestine (see also gastrointestinal imaging). Respiratory compensation and breath hold imaging is mandatory for a good image quality.
T1 weighted sequences are more sensitive for lesion detection than T2 weighted sequences at 0.5 T, while higher field strengths (greater than 1.0 T), T2 weighted and spoiled gradient echo sequences are used for focal lesion detection. Gradient echo in phase T1 breath hold can be performed as a dynamic series with the ability to visualize the blood distribution. Phases of contrast enhancement include the capillary or arterial dominant phase for demonstrating hypervascular lesions, in liver imaging the portal venous phase demonstrates the maximum difference between the liver and hypovascular lesions, while the equilibrium phase demonstrates interstitial disbursement for edematous and malignant tissues.
Out of phase gradient echo imaging for the abdomen is a lipid-type tissue sensitive sequence and is useful for the visualization of focal hepatic lesions, fatty liver (see also Dixon), hemochromatosis, adrenal lesions and renal masses. The standards for abdominal MRI vary according to clinical sites based on sequence availability and MRI equipment. Specific abdominal imaging coils and liver-specific contrast agents targeted to the healthy liver tissue improve the detection and localization of lesions.
See also Hepatobiliary Contrast Agents, Reticuloendothelial Contrast Agents, and Oral Contrast Agents.

For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see Abdominal Ultrasound at
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MR Colonography Gadolinium per Rectum  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Anatomic Imaging of the Liver  Open this link in a new window

 CE MRA of the Aorta  Open this link in a new window
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• View the DATABASE results for 'Abdominal Imaging' (11).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Abdominal Imaging' (3).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Abbreviated MRI Protocols for the Abdomen
Friday, 22 March 2019   by    
Abdominal MRI at 3.0 T: The Basics Revisited
Wednesday, 20 July 2005   by    
Usefulness of MR Imaging for Diseases of the Small Intestine: Comparison with CT
2000   by    
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Assessment of Female Pelvic Pathologies: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Patients Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Pelvic Assessment at the Maternity and Children Hospital, Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia
Saturday, 7 October 2023   by    
Higher Visceral, Subcutaneous Fat Levels Predict Brain Volume Loss in Midlife
Wednesday, 4 October 2023   by    
Deep Learning Helps Provide Accurate Kidney Volume Measurements
Tuesday, 27 September 2022   by    
CT, MRI for pediatric pancreatitis interobserver agreement with INSPPIRE
Friday, 11 March 2022   by    
Clinical trial: Using MRI for prostate cancer diagnosis equals or beats current standard
Thursday, 4 February 2021   by    
Computer-aided detection and diagnosis for prostate cancer based on mono and multi-parametric MRI: A review - Abstract
Tuesday, 28 April 2015   by    
Nottingham scientists exploit MRI technology to assist in the treatment of IBS
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New MR sequence helps radiologists more accurately evaluate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries
Thursday, 23 April 2009   by    
MRI identifies 'hidden' fat that puts adolescents at risk for disease
Tuesday, 27 February 2007   by    
MRI Resources 
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