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Magnetization Transfer Contrast
(MTC) This MRI method increases the contrast by removing a portion of the total signal in tissue. An off resonance radio frequency (RF) pulse saturates macromolecular protons to make them invisible (caused by their ultra-short T2* relaxation times). The MRI signal from semi-solid tissue like brain parenchyma is reduced, and the signal from a more fluid component like blood is retained.
E.g., saturation of broad spectral lines may produce decreases in intensity of lines not directly saturated, through exchange of magnetization between the corresponding states; more closely coupled states will show a greater resulting intensity change. Magnetization transfer techniques make demyelinated brain or spine lesions (as seen e.g. in multiple sclerosis) better visible on T2 weighted images as well as on gadolinium contrast enhanced T1 weighted images.
Off resonance makes use of a selection gradient during an off resonance MTC pulse. The gradient has a negative offset frequency on the arterial side of the imaging volume (caudally more off resonant and cranially less off resonant). The net effect of this type of pulse is that the arterial blood outside the imaging volume will retain more of its longitudinal magnetization, with more vascular signal when it enters the imaging volume. Off resonance MTC saturates the venous blood, leaving the arterial blood untouched.
On resonance has no effect on the free water pool but will saturate the bound water pool and is the difference in T2 between the pools. Special binomial pulses are transmitted causing the magnetization of the free protons to remain unchanged. The z-magnetization returns to its original value. The spins of the bound pool with a short T2 experience decay, resulting in a destroyed magnetization after the on resonance pulse.

See also Magnetization Transfer.
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    • Image Contrast Characteristics
    • Contrast Agents
    • Contrast to Noise Ratio
    • Off Resonance
    • Bound Pool
Further Reading:
  News & More:
MRI of the Human Eye Using Magnetization Transfer Contrast Enhancement
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Longitudinal Magnetization
(Mz) The component of the net magnetization vector in the direction of the static magnetic field (z). After RF excitation, this vector returns to its equilibrium value at a rate characterized by the time constant T1.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Longitudinal Magnetization' (25).Open this link in a new window

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Spin Echo Multi SliceInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
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 - Sequences -
(SEMS) This pulse sequence is composed of a 90° RF pulse followed by a 180° refocusing pulse. Both RF pulses are applied in the presence of a slice select gradient.
By choosing of different TR and TE, depending on the T1 and T2 values of the tissues, proton density, T1 weighted and T2 weighted images can be acquired.
The inversion recovery option enlarge the RF pulses with a 180° inverting pulse, applied a TI time before the beginning of the pulse sequence in order to manipulate image contrast.
See also Spin Echo Sequence.
Further Reading:
Fast Spin Echo(.pdf)
Tuesday, 24 January 2006   by    
MRI Resources 
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Spin Lattice Relaxation
(T1) The return of the longitudinal magnetization to its equilibrium value along the +z axis.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Spin Lattice Relaxation' (3).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
New MRI Technique Detects Genetic Condition That Attacks the Heart, Brain, Nerves
Wednesday, 2 October 2013   by    
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Spin Lattice Relaxation Time
(T1) The spin lattice relaxation time (also called longitudinal relaxation time and T1 Time) is a spin property, whereby the value changes between different tissues. By the spin lattice relaxation process, the longitudinal magnetization Mz achieve the equilibrium value Mz0. The T1 time constant is an exponential approach toward Mz0.
The equation for the magnetization at a time t will be (if at t=0 the longitudinal magnetization is Mz0):
Mz(t) = M0+(Mz (0) - Mz0) exp(t/T1)

• View the DATABASE results for 'Spin Lattice Relaxation Time' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Electron Spin Resonance
  News & More:
MRI's inside story
Thursday, 4 December 2003   by    
Friday, 26 March 1999   by    
MRI Resources 
Directories - Process Analysis - Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Safety Products - Devices - Education
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