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MRI Forum: STIR and l-spine
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  Category:  Sequences and Imaging Parameters
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shruti soni

Wed. 27 Feb.13,
STIR and l-spine
we have got new spine coil for our 1.5 T philips achieva scanner. App came in and added new software and protocoal for that. when we run STIR sequence for l- spine with regular size patient, it comes out nice. However, with hypersthenic patient, it comes out very dark, suppressing signal from bone,fat and only shows csf in cord. could it be that TI not optimal for hypersthenic patient?

Reader Mail

Fri. 26 Jul.13,
I know from working on various coils and testing the images will vary with synthetic (phantoms) vs actual patient. Main item in coil repair is it scans correct w/a human. And if when you test the coil per Philips given guidelines and set parameters for testing SNR, etc. the coil may be just fine. 2nd the synthetic phantom your using is not compatible with that coil or in the system - found this out with 1.5T phantoms don't work on 0.2T coils.

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  Category:  Sequences and Imaging Parameters
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