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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum: ?
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  Category:  Coils
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Belinda Williams

Mon. 21 Jul.14,
I work on GE excite open speed. On lumbar spine t2 axials, it appears like the coil looses signal and makes image dark and grainy. The coil gives good signal on the other sequences and tests good when engineer has tested it. The sag t2 is bright like it should but ax is dark. Any ideas why?

Steven Ford

Tue. 5 Aug.14,

It would be helpful if you would add a photo, even if you take a cellphone photo of your screen and blot out the name.

You did not say, but is this a new problem?

In general, if one orientation looks worse than others, you may have a magnet shim problem; you can crudely test this yourself by using a cylinder type phantom and doing an identical scan in three planes. A shim problem would affect T2's more than T1 or PD images also.

There is always a possibility that your sequences have changed without you realizing it too; check this even if you don't know how that would have happened.

Steven Ford
Professional Imaging Services, Inc.

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  Category:  Coils
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