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MRI Forum: What is this white "cloud" on ...
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Bob Smtih

Thu. 30 Oct.14,
What is this white "cloud" on the right side of this MRI?
The following was noted:c2/c3 normal c3/c4 Very minimal anterior ostepphytic ridging is present. There is no spinal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing. C4/c5 Very minimal anterior ostepphytic ridging is noted. There is no spinal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing. c5/c6 There is a circumferential disc osteophyte complex present. There is mild central spinal stenosis. The AP diameter of the spinal canal is narrowed to 9mm. The dorsal and ventral CSF spaces remain patent. There is mild to moderate neural foraminal narrowing. c6/c7 a circumferential disc osteophyte complex present. There is mild central spinal stenosis. AP diameter of the spinal canal is narrowed to 9mm. The dorsal and ventral CSF spaces remain patent. There is moderate to severe neural foraminal narrowing. c7/t1 Normal. AP diameter of the spinal canal is 12 mm My question is C5 looks like it is chewed up; weird shading. Does it appear to be more damaged than the report states? Also there seems to be a white "cloud" that goes into the left side of multiple disks. What is the white "cloud"? c3 through c7 are in the image

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