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MRI Forum: Need to check for my middle/i ...
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Naji Kerio

Tue. 2 Mar.21,
Need to check for my middle/inner ear on my MRI
Hello. I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if I can share MRI images for a professional's opinion here. If not here, I'd like to know whether there is a forum for this. rnrnI have been having serious vertigo issues (intense spinning) for weeks. Although it has improved dramatically and still is in terms of the nausea and the vertigo attacks, I'm still experiencing regular dizziness, and looking sideways and driving is a bit tricky. I suspected it could have something to do with the inner or middle ear, so I had a brain MRI and made sure to ask for analysis of the inner and middle ear and any associated nerves. When I picked up my MRI results today, all that showed as abnormal was the sinuses with cyst in the right sphenoid sinus. To make sure the middle and inner ear were analyzed I asked the desk woman. She didn't know, made some calls and found out they apparently were not analyzed. rnrnI got the CD, retrieved my ancient PC laptop that is turtle slow and tried to check for images. Don' t know what to check for and having difficulty navigating. The images are divided into T1 TSE Ax, T2 FS AX, T2 AX SPACE IA, FLAIR COR, 2 image fors DIFF AX (ANGLE, and mIP images. I'm specifically trying to rule out conditions that sounded a lot like what I'm experiencing: labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis. Thank you.

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