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MRI Forum: flat board/insert
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Jadwiga kudynska

Wed. 8 Mar.06,
flat board/insert
Good Day Everyone:
Our Imaging Canter has a new MRI unit (Philips 1.5 T Achieva) that we would
like to use for Radiation Oncology patients. The carbon fibre flat table top
as we use in CT effects the MRI image quality. A few companies I have
contacted do not know who makes flat table tops for MRI.
I would appreciate a note from current Radiation Oncology MRI users if they
know the manufacturer of proper flat tops or if they have found a way
"around" the problem.

Mike Olex

Wed. 10 May.06,
We've looked at it and can't find anybody who's interested in doing it(yet). However read the Medical Physics article by Mah from November 2002 which talks about the use of wood for QA testing to simulate a flat tabletop.

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  Category:  Devices, Scanner, Machines
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