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MRI Forum: Mechanical Ventilator outside ...
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Dan Barrieau

Wed. 20 Jun.07,
Mechanical Ventilator outside of Scan room
I recently visited a site where a patient on mechanical ventilation from ICU was having an MRI. The ventilator and IV pumps were located outside the room with the tubing running through two sleeves in the wall (brass or other non-ferrous sleeve) to the patient.

Is this common? Is this safe? Are their problems associated with this?

sorry if I sound ignorant, I am not an MRI tech.

Azlina Comel

Thu. 26 Jul.07,
Hi Dan,

It is ok. As long as The ventilator and IV pumps not located inside the MRI room. It is safe.

Reader Mail

Mon. 14 Jan.08,
Just to add to that. The rooms are lined with copper mesh so that Radio Frequency (RF) outside the room will not affect the image quality (and vise versa so your monitors won't freak out). The tubes through the wall are long enough to absorb and basically prevent any RF from getting in or out. The place in question probably couldn't justify the money to buy an MR safe vent. And I can't think of any pump that would be safe inside the room; although, some sites will chance taking pumps in and keeping them at a distance from the magnetic field.

angel garcia

Tue. 24 Feb.09,
Should a thermostat be inside a MRI room to measure temp.And is a MRI room a positive pressured room??I am a mechanical service tech by the way.

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  Category:  Site Planning and Specifications
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