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MRI Forum: ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - ...
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Gerald Del Castillo

Fri. 30 Nov.07,
ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
I'm a current MRI Technologist for an outpatient facility. I am licensed by ARMRIT, licensed by the state of NY. I was wondering if anybody out there can give me some information regarding a pathway or bridge program for current MR technologist, non-ARRT license, able to sit down for the ARRT test. I have been searching for schools, especially online, that has courses, which allows non-ARRT MR techs, to sit for the ARRT exam. It has been a challenge looking for jobs since I'm not an ARRT, but I'm keeping my hopes up.

Gretchen Ingraham

Sat. 19 Jan.08,
What background do you have in imaging? What is your training

Gerald Del Castillo


Mon. 21 Jan.08,
I currently work with an open magnet. It's by Siemens Magnetom Concerto. The system is an open unit, low field magnet. I have almost 2 years experience as an MRI Technologist, with experience on head & neck imaging, upper and lower extremities, MRA and MRV. I am also CPR and IV certified. In addition, I have 1 month training with the Siemens trio 3T closed unit.

Without the ARRT certification, it has been a challenge. I am willing to show clinics and private facilities what I'm a capable of doing most scans and my dedication to the MRI community, but with only ARMRIT certified tech, it's so rare to get opportunities.

Hope you can help, thanks.

Gretchen Scott

Wed. 23 Jan.08,
Hi Gerald, the reason that it is hard to obtain a job as an MRI technologist is that many studies (such as tumor) as you know require the use of Gad. By not being ARRT, it is illegal to inject patients for that reason. Institutions know this and the liability is too great to have a non-certified person injecting contrast. I have been an RT ARRT for a few years now. The ARRT is not offering a pathway for non-RT's. I don't know where people get information. There is a list of schools that the ARRT support at for MRI training, and only by completing the approved institutions will you be able to sit for the boards. Although to go through the approved schools for the ARRT you have to be an RT first. I think that the ARMRIT is misleading people with their training and that is unfortunate. I wish you luck in your hunt for work. I would think about taking the RT school since you already have the training.

susan steward

Mon. 28 Jan.08,
the ARRT should be able to help provide a list of programs that they accept. There is a college out of Toronto Canada The Michener Institute that has a MRI online program.

Kevin Patana

Sat. 15 Mar.08,
ARMRIT is not misleading people. First and foremost,Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, states where i work near, accept ARMRIT technologists as does medicare for reimbursments. I have been a ARMRIT registered tech for 6 years and have been gainfully employed in the career field. I currently work at a hospital as the lead MRI technologist, training ARRT techs. what training does a RT recieve when they go through xray school?? a few days in the MRI suite watching MRI exams, period. How does that qualify or not qualify someone?? I also take offense to the statement that you have to be ARRT certified to give gadolinium, WRONG. Everyone at my faciility has to be approved by the Radiologist in charge. I work in both Michigan and Wisconsin as a MRI tech and have never had a problem with having to be ARRT certified.

brian bradfield

Thu. 27 Mar.08,
Are you able to get ACR accredited if your staff is not ARRT registered? This is direction that insurance companies are going for reimbursements.

Philip Johnson

Tue. 22 Apr.08,
ARMRIT IS A BIG JOKE!!!I was a limted x-ray tech for 11 years..I went to school just for MRI what a big mistake..I own 21,000 dollars in loans.I can't get a job in MRI.I work as a PRT making the same amount money when I left for MRI school..I'm going back to school to get my RT in a few months..Companys what techs to crosstrain in x-ray, cat scan,US & MRI..Please if you what to be an MRI tech PLEASE get your ARRT first..You will save time & MONEY..


Tue. 29 Jul.08,
The ARMRIT is now acknowledged and endorsed by the American College of Radiology. This is huge news for ARMRIT. We dont need to be sit for the ARRT (MR) anymore.

Mo Khan

Tue. 19 Aug.08,
What does that mean then? Since ARMRIT is recognized by ACR, does that mean we can get jobs at hospitals without much trouble?

Kevin Lopez

Tue. 25 Nov.08,
Just logged on for the first time. From what I have learned from the recent ARMRIT convention, techs with the ARMRIT certification are fully recognized by the ACR. As for working in hospitals, it's just a matter of time. There are still now plenty of opportunities available.
Good luck to all in your career.

Keith Bruner

Mon. 30 Nov.09,
I think the ARMRIT (ARMPIT) pathway will actually take away jobs from RTs since it is to my thinking that ARMPIT Techs get paid less money and therefore drives the wages down. Also a limited scope ultrasound tech can sit for the ARRT exam as well.

With this economy the way it is, more people WILL lose their jobs and ARMPITS will stick up the environment.

It is just a matter of time!!!

Reader Mail

Tue. 8 Mar.11,
Kevin Patana, in 2008, asserts that ARMRIT is "not misleading people," which is technically true. There may be imaging centers in one of the regions he mentions (MN) who are hiring ARMRIT certified techs. If anyone who browses this forum is able to demonstrate even one center for which that is true, it would come as a breath of fresh air. MRI School of Minnesota is one program in the Twin Cities area turning out ARMRIT certified techs. Despite hopeful attempts by these graduates, nearly all of us have not found jobs in the field of MRI. Center For Diagnostic Imaging (CDI), St. Paul Radiology, and Regions Hospital have all submitted in writing that they are not considering ARMRIT certification adequate for hire at their centers. One reason they cite is that their techs need to be (RT) in order to be "multi-modality." During my interview with St. Paul Radiology recently, I was courteously informed that I could not be considered a "tech" in the sense they were using in their job description. Scant experience with venipuncture, total unfamiliarity with MRI School Of MN and ARMRIT, and the need for multi-modality techs were the stated reasons in my face-to-face meeting with them.rnOn a positive note, ARMRIT techs are being hired somewhere--and one graduate of the school who was already employed at an imaging center was promoted to MRI tech, although this tech claimed to be "constantly challenged about [his/her] certification" and aptitude in the field. rnOne question leveled to me in my interview at St. Paul Radiology was, "Why didn't you go to Century/Argosy? (The established ARRT diploma vendors in our area.) I found myself ill-prepared to defend the ARMRIT, only referring to ACR certification, which elicited blinking stares. rnOthers have sought to supplement their ARMRIT certification with local X-ray certificate add-ons.rnWe hope that with further education of the public and local imaging centers, techs may 'break in' to the field, making the ARMRIT certificate more recognized and legitimized. At present, however, it serves as a $16,000 rectangle of parchment with one side blank for a grocery list.

Reader Mail

Sat. 9 Jul.11,
To previous poster,

Since you placed your post I'm aware of several ARMRIT certified graduates of MRI School of Minnesota with jobs in unrelated MRI centers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In addition to the graduates that have been employed at the clinical affiliate site, 4 are employed in private MRI centers and one with the Veteran's Administration.

Other than multi-modality job requirements, presentation on one's resume, cover letter and at the interview are the primary reasons for rejection by employers.

One recently hired graduate mentioned that the interviewer had remarked about not being impressed by a previous ARMRIT job applicant because of that candidate's presentation. Apparently that person had received a rejection letter citing ARRT certification preference as one of the reasons, yet this employer was willing to interview another ARMRIT-certified applicant, who was hired the same day.

There are also disgruntled ARRT certified graduates on forums like these who are feeling the same way as you do about their schooling and certification.

Though the job market is competitive regardless of level of schooling, just wanted to encourage you and other ARMRIT and ARRT qualified techs out there to hang in there, gain insights from past interviews, and wear your certification as your crown in good faith.

With the approaching CMS' deadline for certification of all MRI techs by January 2012, as well Health Care Reform's requirement for increased MRI utilization rates in the upcoming years, more dedicated (not multi-modality) MRI tech positions are expected to open up.

Tanya Vi

Sat. 18 Feb.12,
Hello to everyone,
I would like to ask what is the best way for foreign Radiology Technologist to work in USA? I am interested in MRI field and I am currently work on MRI,CT,Mammography and X-ray in private clinic in Bulgaria. I have obtained Bachelor Degree in 2004 with tree years training course.
My question is what I have to do if I want to work in USA?
Is anybody who has an experience with that?

Reader Mail

Mon. 2 Dec.13,
Checking in to this forum which is linked from a Google search, "ARRT vs. ARMRIT." Regarding the July 2011 response to my March posting that same year: Have there been any significant changes in the job market in this regard? This post appears to have come from MRI School of Minnesota directly, or someone similar. Understandable, then, that ARMRIT would be defended by someone with such vested interests. There are two points of view that should be distinguished: educators or representatives of ARMRIT who profit whether or not their students finish the course, let alone graduate or find employment in the field. And those earnest ARMRIT certificate bearers who legitimately question the worth of their investment, and want to share their experiences for the benefit of their peers. I am part of the group with this point of view, shared legitimately on this forum. The post continues, suggesting: "It wasn't ARMRIT, buddy--it was YOU they didn't like. Your interview stank!" While not a very clever assertion (and impossible to substantiate) it is nonetheless conceivable that CDI or Regions Hospital, after interviewing me, immediately interviewed and hired another MRI School Of Minnesota graduate. Something unlikely, but what we truly hope for. What the responder to my post and I have in common is the hope that ARMRIT certification becomes recognized, and that this happens soon enough to benefit those of us who are now repaying the loans required to get certified. As for the conversation on this forum (which unfortunately appears to be obscure), each of us has something to do. I will make sure my tie is straight and I've prepared well for the interview. You, in turn might make sure to give us the courtesy of stating your reasons for defending the certifying body (ARMRIT) while casting aspersions on an earnest job-seeker you yourselves certified. Your post seems to defend ARMRIT rather than the hard-working people who earn it.

judy vitanza

Thu. 26 Jun.14,
You can sit for the Exam, (this is kind of a new rule). Once you pass the ARRT exam, apply for your state license. In NY, you can apply for license to inject contrast materials at the same time or after you have a state license, but you have to document RN has trained and comped you and MD signs off that you are competent.

The first step is to contact the ARRT. Just go on line google ARRT and seach MRI exam content specs, review the content specs for the exam and start studying!! Good Luck.

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