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MRI Forum: Protection against magnetic e ...
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Kathy Dumont

Sat. 5 Jan.08,
Protection against magnetic exposure
Excuse me if I speak english very bad... I'm a frensh radiographer. I have discovered this site a long time ago. It's very well done. There are lots of informations. Thank you very much!
And I have read that you (in USA) have written some laws wich govern limits for patient or/and radiographer's magnetic exposure. Am I right? Where can I get the texts?
I hope you'll understand what I am searching for.
Thank you for your next answers.

Reader Mail

Sat. 5 Jan.08,
I'm not really sure which information you need.

Here are some links which may help you:
or try to search the FDA website by yourself

or try to search Health Canada (also in french):

search for "specific absorption rate", "MRI guidelines"

Hope this helps

Kathy Dumont

Sun. 6 Jan.08,
Thank you very much Reader, for you answer very quickly! Sorry, I didn’t express myself very well. No, I don’t want to know about the “Gauss lines” (it’s how we say in France).

In the site of the World Health Organization, they talk about “The International EMF Project”.

I’m searching for informations about the effets of the magnetic fields on the human health. And the laws, if they exist in USA?
In France, there are no limits or laws which say the limits (time limits, job in high fields…) when you work at mri.
We just tell the pregnant not to go in the mri room. That’s all. I think you’re getting ahead France in this domain. For me, mri technology is like radiology’s first times, when Marie Curie discovered that tumor increased while X Ray exposure increased. You know?

Michael Miller

Mon. 14 Jan.08,
I am not aware of any exposure limitations to the MR healthcare worker. There is always a concern for pregnant women since the cells are dividing constantly. I think we just take extra precautions.

I would be interested to know if you, in France, are dealing with this new NSF (Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis) problem pertaining Gadolinium.

Kathy Dumont

Tue. 15 Jan.08,
Thank you very much for your answer, Michael.

No, in France the doctors often forget to take care of the quantity of Gado we inject... and I think the problems of NSF are not very well known in France... There are not many studies which tell that the patients have fibrosis after Gado injection. The doctors who work in the department where the patients are hospitalized don’t know the effects of Gado injection in the nephropathy disease. So, it’s very difficult to know if there are NSF after Gado…
There are still many doctors who don’t know that metallic things are so much attracted… We have to take care when a doctor (not a radiologist, luckily) get into a MRI room. So, you can easily understand that NSF are unknown! ;-)

mascha van der kwaak

Wed. 11 Jun.08,
I know what you are talking about. I know that there is a commision who is trying to set limits for MRI-technologists and radiologists. And it's for sure that there is going to be set a limit. I was supposed to be implemented in 2008, but that isn't the case yet.
You can read more about this topic at:

Mascha v/d Kwaak

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  Category:  Safety
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