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MRI Forum: New type of job for CT/MR Tec ...
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Daren L

Tue. 20 Jan.09,
New type of job for CT/MR Tech.
I have been an MR Tech. for about 11 years now. CT for 4 years. I have pretty much always had a job scanning the bread-and-butter type of exams. I recently saw a job opening for a CT/MR Tech. who pretty much just does 3D reconstructions all day long. Not much scanning. I am interested in this type of job but haven't done much 3D stuff. Would I qualify for this type of job or is there a lot of training/experience that this job would require in 3D applications?

Chris Foster

Fri. 23 Jan.09,
I've done lots of reconstruction work with Vitrea and the Siemens Leonardo workstation. My impression is that being a good reconstructive tech takes technical know how but your product (images)are heavily influenced by your creativity. Thouroughput is greatly improved with sufficient software knowlege too.

Being quick and skilled at 3D recon does take time and experience. Can you do it, yes.

I'd be really careful about jumping into a serious job and being thrown like 40 cases a day or something like that. If they are willing to work with you than it's good oportunity.

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