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MRI Forum: How to setup a MRI room? + qu ...
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jason kijek

Mon. 4 May.09,
How to setup a MRI room? + questions
I'm planning to purchase a used 1.0-1.5T MRI and I had a few questions.

From what I gather, I need a 480V line, correct? The unit 1.5T takes about 150amps. Does it suck all that power 24x7, or when it's on? If not all the time then how much when it's on standby?

What kind of cooling would I need? From what I read a helium? gas setup? What about A/C? how strong would I need?

What about the room. What size does it have to be? does it need any special insulation?

And are there any companies in Europe what can design and build a room for it?

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  Category:  Site Planning and Specifications
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