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MRI Forum: ARMRIT exam
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Sun. 28 Jun.09,
Can anyone who has taken the ARMRIT exam share their experience with me? I did very well in MRI school but for some reason I have taken the ARMRIT exam three times and cannot pass! I have been very close to passing but I am frusterated that I cannot pass it. I feel it is a very difficult exam. Also, the section I have the most trouble with is "Clinical Applications", which I am unclear as to if this section includes physics or not. Any input is much appreciated! Also, any study guide/book suggestions would be appreciated as well....I purchased the "Review Questions for MRI", which was helpful but someone had mentioned there may be a better book to help me study.........

Bridget Galegher

Sun. 23 Aug.09,
Take the MIC course, very helpful. Also, the MRI in Practice (3rd edition) very helpful. Review questions are fine but they don't get to the meat and potatoes of it. The mri in practice does. Good luck

James R

Sun. 13 Sep.09,
i have the lippincott, the black & yelow one that compliments MRI in practice, and the MIC course. the MIC course may confuse you if you went to a full program. i didn't being cross trained to scan on the job; so i had nothing to go by. But i'm having mixed reviews on MIC a friend of mine who we went to the sam x-ray school 2 years ago got MIC and ended up taking a MRI class thats like 15 sessions cause he didn't like MIC

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