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MRI Forum: MRI registry equations
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  Category:  Basics and Physics
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Donna Nusser

Tue. 18 Aug.09,
MRI registry equations
I'm studying for the registry with the help of the MIC registry review program. I think my mind has turned to mush. I can not figure out the answer to this question or find an equation to help me. Is there anyone out there who can help?!!
"In an ideal 1.0T magnet with perfect homogeneity, if a proton experiences a magnetic field of 1.006T and is positioned 0.5 meter along the positive z-direction and centered along the x and y directions, the z-gradient amplitude is________mT/m."

Manuel Franco

Sat. 22 Aug.09,
Subtract the B0 field from the 1.006T and then divide the resulting 6mT by 0.5m.

Hope this helps to understand.

Bridget Galegher

Sun. 23 Aug.09,
Take 1.006 - 1.000T or (1.0) this equals 0.006, or (6mT) then take 6 divided by 0.5 (which is your distance along the positive z-direction and this will give you the answer of 12. (Strength of the magnetic field divided ny the distance from the center of the magnet) My suggestion for you is get the new "MRI in Practice" not the green book but the new one with the multi-colors on the front of it (3rd edition) Explains everything and it is fun to read. I have to take mine too in September through ARRT. Just don't psyc yourself out.

Donna Nusser

Sun. 23 Aug.09,
Thank you very much, to both of you. Bridget, good luck on the exam!

crystal forbes

Wed. 2 Sep.09,
where did you find the calculations in mri in practice i have that edition and am looking for that, what chapter.


mr registry review

James R

Sun. 13 Sep.09,
i don't know if it's just me but i feel the questions on the MIC course are way off topic sometimes. when i answer these questions myself, i feel like i know nothing cause the questions IMO are being asked in the "beating around the bush method"

i've been told that the registry is more basic than the questions they ask. pus they cover way too much than the ARRT exam question breakdown.

i'm going to use the black and yellow & lippincott book plus the answered question MIC from here on in.

can anyone who knows of or has taken the registry recently than can clarify this.

any advise or info will be greatly appreciated cause i'm pretty intimitaded by this test and i want it done by the end of this year

Donna Nusser

Sun. 13 Sep.09,
James, I echo your feelings. I pretty much decided, after completing MIC, that maybe I really didn't want to take the registry! It is very intimidating.

James R

Mon. 14 Sep.09,
donna, i'm getting back my answer keys from MIC for modules 1-9 if you need/share answers let me know

Donna Nusser

Mon. 14 Sep.09,
Thanks . . . I've actually completed the program. It took me 2 tries on at least half of them. I don't feel ready to sit for the exam.

shari robinson

Mon. 14 Sep.09,
Don't stress about the MIC program. It is just an overview of what is covered on the registry. Go the the content specs from in MRI and study that way. You will be better prepared. Also MRI in Practice is a great book. After reading the MIC about 4 times with a month or so in between, it all makes sense but it didn't at first so I share your frustration. It also helps if you are working in the modality and are familiar with MRI background. Good luck, let me know if you need any help.

shari robinson

Mon. 14 Sep.09,
Donna, don't give up and be intimidated. Look at it like it is a challenge. Have a plan. I can send you the study guide I have, it goes through all the content specs for the exam board. MR is hard but if it wasn't everyone would do it right??? Hang in there! E-mail me if you want the notes,

Donna Nusser

Mon. 14 Sep.09,
Shari, thank you and I would love anything you could forward to me. I will also take your advise on the other reading. Thank you so much!!

James R

Mon. 14 Sep.09,
now i'm disappointed i failed modules 4-5-6-7-8. 4-5-6 i thought i was good with my wife told me my scores so when i see it i hope all the ones i got wrong were all those stupid "filler questions" (b/c they are good for credits)that questions that i got wrong.

example: what happens when the service engineer mistakenly connects the z gradient coil to y gradient amplifer, and the y gradient coil to the z amplifer or something like that the registry don't ask that from what i was told

now i know why my friend took a live taught course cause he had mic and liked it then hated it

eun young choi

Wed. 18 Nov.09,
please please help me.....
i am going to take mri exam next month..
anyone has any information,, please send me

thank you so much

David Brooks

Wed. 23 Dec.09,
ANyone willing to hel me comlete the MIC modules?

David Brooks

Wed. 23 Dec.09,
I mean with helping me some I do not UNDERSTAND

lynn miller

Tue. 16 Apr.13,
shari robinson can you please email me ur study sheet, i am getting ready to take my MRI borads soon..Thanks Lyn
email is

lynn miller

Tue. 16 Apr.13,
shari robinson please disregard my previous post:) I would like your study guide if you still have it, I am about to take my boards soon my email is
Thank You

James R

Mon. 27 May.13,
Please don't email for the answer keys. I gave the course away a few years ago

Tosha Harris

Fri. 5 Sep.14,
I'm currently studying to take Mri Boards. Is their anyone with great tools for preparation? Can someone please help!! MIC or any other resources ..frustrated :

tracie smith


Thu. 8 Dec.16,
Hi i saw your post to this forum and i am studying for the MRI registry as well. I have taken it twice and scored a 74 last time. This is my final attempt and i saw threads with people sharing info and study guides. I wasn't sure how to post to the main forum but if you could repost this to the main forum that would be appreciated so much. if anyone can email any information or study test etc. I am so nervous being my third attempt and ive been out of school so long lol My job is on the line if I dont pass. Ive been studying MRI in Practice hopefully that will help but I just wanted to leave my email address if anyone has any study hints ect. please send them Im in desperate need to pass this. I hope yours went well if you've taken it yet. Thanks in advance for any infornTraciern

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  Category:  Basics and Physics
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