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MRI Forum: Building 3d Volumes from MRI ...
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Robert Patten

Thu. 3 Mar.11,
Building 3d Volumes from MRI DICOM
I have a number of MRI and CTs since a bad accident. I am a Mechanical Engineer with an electrical, power and computer background.

I was able to render the CT to 3D using Onis (not sure if you've seen this program), but have been unable to manage it with any of the MRIs.

The MRIs were taken on a Phillips Intera 1.5T

I can render a volume but only (1) of the (3) 2D images are clear before it is rendered and the resulting 3D image is just noise. I've tried various software packages and spent a lot of time with the software. Perhaps I don't have the required image files.

Maybe someone knows the answer.



Robert Patten

Sat. 5 Mar.11,
Can someone tell me what kind of luck they have had rendering MRIs to 3D. And if there are problems what do you have to do (like no gaps between slices) to get a good quality picture.

Steven Ford


Thu. 17 Mar.11,
In almost all cases, MRI images have a slice thickness far greater than their in-plane resolution, making multiplanar reconstruction meaningless. Also, most MRI images have a gap between the slices, which also renders multiplanar meaningless and impossible (unless you're happy with black bars where the slice gaps exist).

You can look at your images and the slice thickness is on the graphics. the slice gap is usually not displayed, but if you look at the slice location displayed on adjacent slices, and compare to the slice thickness, you can easily compute the slice gap.

The in-place resolution is (approx) the field of view divided by the acquisition matrix, both of which are also printed on the image somewhere.

By the way, if you have the dicom (.dcm) files, there is lots of data that's 'hidden' that you can access with a full featured dicom file editor.

Katelin Lyons

Tue. 21 Jun.11,
3D Volume Rendering is not just a graphic aid for trial like a medical illustration, but an actual clinical tool. Segmentation of an MRI image involves the clear delineation of organs and features.

3D Volume Rendering is becoming essential for displaying CT and MRI results as the images can be visualized and understood by non-radiology physicians and laymen easily.

But as its new to the legal community, 3D Volume rendering has been admitted as evidence at trial on numerous occasions and has yet to be excluded. As it involves medical illustrations and animations together hence this technology is encountering initial objections that will be overcome easily in near future.

Devos Morten

Wed. 16 Aug.23,
Aimir CG is an architectural visualization company based in China, delivering consistent art quality 3D renderings and animations worldwide. We are fast, efficient and always deliver on time. Our professionalism and communication skills make us easy to work with and the end product was nothing short of impressive!

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