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MRI Forum: LCD Display Monitors
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robert popilock

Mon. 23 May.11,
LCD Display Monitors
Is it permissable to use a LCD display monitor of any size in the MRI scanner room? Is there a governance such as IEC?

Aaliah Thomas

Mon. 23 May.11,
Hey! The role of an LCD display is only to draw a picture of the signals emitted from different body tissues. Hence the size of the display doesn’t put any effect as such. But the bigger the display is, the clearer will be the image. So it’s better to go for 32” LCD display with full HD resolution for clear picture. Yes, IEC JTC1 is developing a governance standard aimed at helping organizations govern information security, specifically the standard of deliverables.

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Steven Ford

Tue. 7 Jun.11,
I think that the question is, can you use a display near the magnet, inside the RF shielded room?

The short answer is, No, unless it's specifically marked MR-safe and/or included in equipment that's specificaly designed to be near the magnet, such as an injector.

The problem with using, for example, a monitor from Best Buy is that it will probably emit RF energy that will corrupt the very weak MRI signal recieved from the patient's body. Of course, there is also the question of anchoring the monitor to prevent it from being attracted into the magnet.

In general, an off the shelf monitor will not be affected by the magnet.

You can buy special RF shielded monitors, or enclosures.

If you were thinking about adding a patient DVD viewing capability, there are several other concerns to keep in mind. The signal feeding the monitor must be filtered where it enters the RF shield.

Steven Ford
Professional Imaging Services, Inc.

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  Category:  Safety
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