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MRI Forum: MRI Magnet Room Cameras?
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David Pierce

Thu. 22 Sep.11,
MRI Magnet Room Cameras?
Hello All,

new to the forums and such. Anyhow, some of my fellow techs and friends in the business have been talking about these cameras that go in the magnet room of an MRI. Does anyone have any opinions here? I like to look at things from as many angles as I can before I take it up with the bean counters and the heads of my center.



Reader Mail

Fri. 30 Sep.11,
We have installed cameras in our MRI rooms in most of our locations and find them very useful for monitoring patients. Easy to spot them moving without having to get up and strain our necks.

Christine Woodard

Fri. 7 Oct.11,
I have worked in several facilities that have cameras and I find them very useful. I would suggest having 2 cameras: one for each end of the bore.

Jack McIntire

Thu. 13 Oct.11,
We have MRI cameras in each of our rooms. They definitely have made life easier, and the version we have hooks up to an MRI stereo/communicator so we can talk to patients while they're in the MRI and they can listen to music.

David Pierce

Fri. 14 Oct.11,
Wow, thanks you guys!

Can you tell me who you went through to get these cameras?

How difficult are they to use? And to install?

Jack, Where did you get that stereo-camera model? That sounds great!

Jack McIntire

Tue. 25 Oct.11,
The system is simple to use, but d@mn helpful. It comes with instructions, and even then I can be a bit thick, so I've called for help with the stereo bit. They didn't mind helping me out over the phone, and when we found the problem I realized how little I use technology outside of my field.rnrn The install took about an hour and a half, but the engineer for our building said it was easy - and that didn't cut too bad into scan time. We just made sure it was a slow day when we decided to install. rnrn We went through this company: We had used them for upgrades and parts before, so we knew who we were talking to and that we could trust the equipment.

andy grey

Sat. 6 Oct.12,
installing cameras in MRI magnet rooms is a good option , it helps you to keep a track of the patients without putting in much effort.

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  Category:  Equipment
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