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MRI Forum: Deaf MRI technicians?
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Nicole Marsh

Thu. 5 Apr.12,
Deaf MRI technicians?

I'm deaf, COULD speak but I prefer communicating in American Sign Language because it means a lot less guesswork than lipreading.

I've been thinking of enrolling in a MRI program at home in Canada after I graduate from the university I am at now. I've always found it fascinating, but when I tried to ask the program director about deafness they only told me of academic supports available.

Figured this might be a good place to ask. How much of being a MRI technician involves talking to the actual patients?
There will not be interpreters available for me on a daily basis, nor do I wish to constantly use them. If there is a lot of communication with the patients themselves, is there often anyone else around (like a nurse) that could talk to them instead?

If there's anything else you might need to know before answering, can just ask away!

Thank you in advance for your answers, it'll help me figure out if this is something I'd like to pursue for certain!

ajfreshh20 keaton

Mon. 30 Apr.12,
Hi! Working as an MRI Technologist requires a lot of talking to the patient. You must screen the patients yourself, talk to them in between pulse sequences to ensure they are doing alright, and during breath hold exams. There is a huge safety factor with MRI with keeping certain metals away from the magnet so screening each and every person is a huge factor with being a MRI Technologist. As a MRI Technologist for a mobile company i speak with a radiologist that works at another facility for protocols and questions regarding exams and ensuring we get everything the patient and ordering doctor needs. If you have a MRI school in your area i would email or call them to see if any accomodations could be made, but i know from working mobile and at surrounding hospitals in this state and nearby states i live in, you would need to speak to the patient.

andy grey

Sat. 6 Oct.12,
You need to communicate with your patients as an MRI tech, you will be responsible of giving an overview of the complete process to your patients and will have to communicate with your patients during the procedure.

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