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MRI Forum: What is the best review book? ...
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Tue. 17 Jul.12,
What is the best review book?
Hi there, I am planning to take a cross training course for my MRI license in New York starting in September. I graduated in Rad tech in May and I can find no jobs for starting rad techs. It's very discouraging. Anyway, I am moving on to MRI but the course is only from September to January ... 5 months! Because it's so fast, I want to get a review book and start learning. I don't want to waste time with a waste of a book though. Any suggestions and why? For Rad Tech, all i needed was Appleton and Langue and I passed in the 90s. I suspect I'll need a good book of questions with good explanations once again. Thanks a lot. Ken PS. How does the job market look? Anyone in NY? Techs have suggested doing CT first but I like MRI more so I plan to do CT from January to May. Then I hope to be more employable with all 3 of these licenses. I hope to stick with MRI though as a final career goal before working on becoming a lead or something more. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated.

bin wu

Thu. 9 Aug.12,
Hi,in my opinion,the Basics MRI is very good.

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