Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal Welcome to MRI Technology


MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
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ThreadByDate#Resp. Last Response
MR submandibular sialogram
Thami MngomaFri. 7 Aug.09, 08:021Mon. 9 Aug.10, 23:06
MRI Spinal Ligaments
Daniel RobertsonThu. 23 Jul.09, 04:540 
what do we see in this image
yevgeniy zhWed. 15 Jul.09, 08:311Thu. 11 Oct.12, 12:47
need some help to indentify a process
izhak davidSun. 14 Jun.09, 09:580 
Recommended Reading
Will BThu. 21 May.09, 19:350 
Gradient modes
Angela HoskinsonThu. 22 Jan.09, 03:191Wed. 28 Jan.09, 20:03
Translation of MRI Result - Help
Maricella SaucedaThu. 16 Oct.08, 22:330 
doing a school project
Tammy ElliottTue. 14 Oct.08, 01:330 
information needed
andre jeffersonWed. 23 Jul.08, 04:382Mon. 8 Sep.08, 03:45
coils for leg
israa sadiqSat. 19 Jul.08, 14:191Wed. 30 Jul.08, 01:41
Flipped Images
John HalloranFri. 11 Jul.08, 13:051Mon. 14 Jul.08, 22:05
hydatid cyst
Reader MailSun. 6 Jul.08, 08:141Thu. 31 Jul.08, 20:24
gre trauma ax
diana navarroTue. 29 Jan.08, 16:461Thu. 31 Jan.08, 00:59
Plz Answer this ... Contrast MRI of Brain
Reader MailSun. 27 Jan.08, 08:471Fri. 1 Feb.08, 04:32
scan question from a layperson
miri lehWed. 9 Jan.08, 09:562Tue. 1 Apr.08, 08:39
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Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit.
- W. Somerset Maugham
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