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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
Basics and Physics
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Recommended Reading
Will BThu. 21 May.09, 19:350 
wandering about GE HDe
samer abou-deebSat. 25 Apr.09, 13:130 
Regisrty Review
Jeanna WamblesWed. 22 Apr.09, 11:350 
Feridex/endorem and bone MRI
marta lolaWed. 15 Apr.09, 12:111Fri. 22 May.09, 20:48
MICHAEL LONGFri. 14 Nov.08, 04:451Thu. 11 Oct.12, 12:52
Regarding recovery and decay [basic phycisc]
harry sandersSat. 7 Jun.08, 12:592Sun. 2 Nov.08, 23:02
the phase effect of grads pulse
阿立 王Mon. 12 May.08, 08:140 
MRI Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?
young bong weThu. 20 Mar.08, 10:023Mon. 7 Apr.08, 10:17
double ir physic
soontorn siriserussaSun. 2 Dec.07, 22:591Wed. 12 Dec.07, 10:07
How do you measure SNR?
Paul TeslaFri. 9 Nov.07, 15:310 
MRI study guide for a physics dummy
Chantel KeedFri. 26 Oct.07, 04:142Sun. 2 Nov.08, 23:06
MRI iron shielding calculation
Reader MailTue. 25 Sep.07, 14:390 
T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner
Oleg BorodinThu. 9 Aug.07, 13:460 
Proton Density and FOV
Anne NelsonTue. 8 May.07, 02:092Wed. 6 Jun.07, 05:33
OVS & phase refocussing
Reader MailSun. 6 May.07, 17:280 
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For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.
- Douglas Adams
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