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Roos van Wieringen

Mon. 2 May.16,

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'Contrast on an 3T'
1 Reply]


Contrast on an 3T
Is het possible to give less contrast of Gadolinium on a 3T scanner than on a 1.5T scanner?
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Niels Janssen

Tue. 6 May.14,

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'GE signa excite 3T - clustered volume acquisition'
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Funktional MRI

GE signa excite 3T - clustered volume acquisition
I am wondering if anyone has experience with so called 'clustered volume acquisition' on a GE signa excite 3T. Clustered volume acquisition (or sparse acquisition) means that you acquire images within the first 1000 ms of a 2000 ms TR, for example (Edmister et al., 1999, Human Brain Mapping). This method is useful because the machine will stop producing scanning noise in the final 1000 ms of the TR, which can then be used for recording speech inside the scanner (in fmri applications).
I am asking whether 1) this sequence can be programmed from the parameters menu on the scanner console, or 2) whether it requires compilation of a new pulse sequence.
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Reader Mail

Wed. 12 Feb.14,

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'any experiance about GE mri brivo mr235. 0.3T'
0 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

any experiance about GE mri brivo mr235. 0.3T
Dear friends i need any experience about GE mri machine brivo mr235 0.3T we want buy this machine
For s private clinic . Please don't hesitate if you have any advise about quality and maintenance

Thanks so much
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Travis Conley

Thu. 21 Oct.10,

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'Muscle shading in 3T Images'
2 Replies]

Applications and Examinations

Muscle shading in 3T Images
We are using a 3T GE scanner to image axial slices of human thigh muscle for the purpose of quantifying muscle volume. rnrnProblem: Our images have been presenting some shading at the top and bottom of each slice. We have tried everything we can think of to get rid of this shading but have not been sucessful. rnrnI have attached a representative image and would love some feel back. rnrnThanks so much for attempting to help us out.
Thigh Axial Slice

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Nancy Dudek

Fri. 26 Aug.05,

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'3T imaging parameters'
2 Replies]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

3T imaging parameters
Am looking for the ranges of acceptable TR and TE's for standard spin echo and gradient echo sequences on a 3T.
Does anyone know these or tell me where I can find this info?
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