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MRI Forum
'Circle of Willis'
Result: Searchterm 'Circle of Willis' found in 2 messages
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Sue Johanson

Wed. 27 Apr.05,

[Reply (1 of 4) to:
'Contrast MRA COW.'
started by: 'Marilia White'
on Thu. 3 Mar.05]

Contrast Agents

Contrast MRA COW.
seems crazy, you should have many undesirable veins! We run a 3D TOF MRA of the circle of willis without contrast with best results (1.5T and 3T).
Contrast enhanced 3D MRA of the carotids are done with machine injection (never with a butterfly!), automated bolus detection and a flow of 3ml/sec and 25 ml Gad. If no bolus detection program is available, look for the delay with a test bolus of 2ml. With a high resolution scan, both carotids and circle of willis are assessable. The use of a set like Smartset for the injection is helpful if no power injector is available.
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Marilia White

Thu. 3 Mar.05,

[Start of:
'Contrast MRA COW.'
3 Replies]

Contrast Agents

Contrast MRA COW.
Just started a new job and the tech there insists on injecting with a butterfly then coming out and running a 3D MRA of the Head. Has anyone ever heard of this? I have done carotids but not Circle of willis. If there is such a thing please let me know your Protocol. I am open to any suggestions on the Carotids to. She injects them with a butterfly as well and what a mess. Help I just got back on GE echospeed after 5 yrs and no manual. Just a crazy tech. Please help.

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