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Mon. 7 Apr.08,

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'how to get phase and magnitude images in GE1.5T?'
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Devices, Scanner, Machines

how to get phase and magnitude images in GE1.5T?
Hi, can anyone show me the methods to get phase and magnitude images in GE 1.5T scanner?

In Siemens scanner, the images can be acquired by selecting reconstruction of Magn./Phas on the contrast part of the parameter card, but I fail to find such a way in GE scanner.

Thanks in advance.
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Gretchen Scott

Wed. 23 Jan.08,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'ARMRIT Parenteral Procedures'
started by: 'Matt B.'
on Wed. 3 Jan.07]


ARMRIT Parenteral Procedures
Your clinic should be concerned. Injecting gad contrast, or any contrast for that matter is illegal unless you are an RT registered through the ARRT. If anything happeded to the patient the clinic could be sued and lose their ability to practice. There is no pathway through the ARRT that supports ARMRIT. The Health Department regulates all credentialing for the injection of contrast media. Gretchen S RT(R)RRA MR ARRT
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Gretchen Scott

Wed. 23 Jan.08,

[Reply (3 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
Hi Gerald, the reason that it is hard to obtain a job as an MRI technologist is that many studies (such as tumor) as you know require the use of Gad. By not being ARRT, it is illegal to inject patients for that reason. Institutions know this and the liability is too great to have a non-certified person injecting contrast. I have been an RT ARRT for a few years now. The ARRT is not offering a pathway for non-RT's. I don't know where people get information. There is a list of schools that the ARRT support at for MRI training, and only by completing the approved institutions will you be able to sit for the boards. Although to go through the approved schools for the ARRT you have to be an RT first. I think that the ARMRIT is misleading people with their training and that is unfortunate. I wish you luck in your hunt for work. I would think about taking the RT school since you already have the training.
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Oleg Borodin

Thu. 9 Aug.07,

[Start of:
'T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner'
0 Reply]

Basics and Physics

T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner
Dier colleges

I have same trouble with counting T1 of the gadolinium solution.

There are six fantom with gadolinium solution in 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mmol/l. Fantoms scanned with pulse sequences SE with TR equal 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 ... 4000 ms. For each fantom calculated T1 by iteractive minimizing technique the equation: S(TR)=M0*(1-exp(-TR/T1))

At the result, I have six T1: 72, 170, 255, 403, 725, 1474 ms.

How can I calculate T1 and R1 of the pure solution of contrast media?
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Thu. 2 Aug.07,

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1 Reply]

Contrast Agents

Is Gado listed as a contrast agent or a medicine under the FDA? Is it legal for an mri technologist to inject gado? I know we can inject contrast agents but is gado listed under the FDA as a contrast agent or is it listed as something else?
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