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John Smith

Wed. 11 Nov.15,

[Start of:
'Faster pulse sequences'
0 Reply]


Faster pulse sequences
I have been learning about faster MRI sequences and have two questions

1) With "Fast (Turbo) gradient echo", in which we apply a spoiler gradient, do we not eventually end up with no longitudinal magnetization because TR is always shorter than T1? Hence shouldn't we eventually get no signal at all?

2) in SSFP (Steady-state free precession) we can apply an RF pulse of 90 degrees (in which T1>>T2) to get heart-blood contrast. How is this any different to a standard spin-echo sequence in terms of timing?

Thank you
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Steven Ford

Tue. 5 Aug.14,

[Reply (3 of 4) to:
'MRI artifact'
started by: 'Daniel Cronk'
on Mon. 16 Jun.14]


MRI artifact
No it is not an RF leak artifact. That would appear different. I would guess that there was one instance of motion. Note that the artifact is mostly on the high contrast areas (white against black) where the patient can move the most.

Also it may be that your acquisition matrix was a little on the low side, which would lead to larger pixel-y appearance that is more apparent when there's motion.

Steven Ford
Professional Imaging Services, Inc.
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judy vitanza

Thu. 26 Jun.14,

[Reply (16 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
You can sit for the Exam, (this is kind of a new rule). Once you pass the ARRT exam, apply for your state license. In NY, you can apply for license to inject contrast materials at the same time or after you have a state license, but you have to document RN has trained and comped you and MD signs off that you are competent.

The first step is to contact the ARRT. Just go on line google ARRT and seach MRI exam content specs, review the content specs for the exam and start studying!! Good Luck.
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Issey Mak

Wed. 16 Apr.14,

[Start of:
'Cervical spine MRI with GAD - What do you think?'
0 Reply]

Contrast Agents

Cervical spine MRI with GAD - What do you think?
I am doing a case study on a patient and am having trouble interpreting their results.

They presented with numbness to bilateral arms as well as problems with short term memory and difficulty concentrating.

The attached MRI is with GAD contrast.

Let me know what you think!

Thanks in advance.

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big a

Thu. 19 Sep.13,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'why there is T2* but not T1*'
started by: 'Isa Toni Toni'
on Wed. 24 Jul.13]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

why there is T2* but not T1*
i just reread your question and realize what you are saying, i was told we dont use a t1* becuase generally a t1 sequence isnt a pathological sequence unless it is post contrast.
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