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MRI Forum
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Tue. 26 Jul.11,

[Start of:
'MR750: ASSET Artifact or 32 Channel coil?'
1 Reply]

Funktional MRI

MR750: ASSET Artifact or 32 Channel coil?

We are performing fMRI on a GE MR750 Discovery.
As you can see we get artifacts when performing DTI and fMRI.
It looks like herringbones or spikes artifacts. But it appears only at the very top slices where there is generally no more brain.
One possible explanation is that ASSET will produce the artifact where there is no signal.
Another explanation would be that some element of the 32 channel coil is going mad.
Has anybody experienced the same artifact?

Thank you.
DTI artifact

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Bear DuDu

Thu. 18 Oct.07,

[Reply (1 of 5) to:
'DTI 25 directions on GE signa excite 1.5'
started by: 'Gonzalo Sanchez Benavides'
on Tue. 5 Jun.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

DTI 25 directions on GE signa excite 1.5
you will find the table of dti directions in the /usr/g/bin/tensor.dat
it's a text file. use ftp software to download it.
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Johan J

Thu. 8 Feb.07,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'visualizing corticospinal tracts'
started by: 'marleen michels'
on Wed. 22 Nov.06]

Applications and Examinations

visualizing corticospinal tracts
With DTI you're able to visualize the coricospinal tracts. Not to difficult actually, you'll just need the proper gear and post processing software.

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corey walker

Thu. 26 Oct.06,

[Start of:
'pgh to dicom conversion?'
1 Reply]


pgh to dicom conversion?
I am using new dti software that will not read pgh. Unfortunately, a large amount of our data was stored in pgh format only. As this software does not read pgh, is there any way to convert pgh format into dicom? I have had no luck with this so far.
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Dirk Noel

Thu. 17 Jun.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'dynamic stabilization'
started by: 'ranran wu'
on Sun. 6 Jun.04]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

dynamic stabilization
HI Ranran,

Dynamic Stabllization should be used for DTI imgaing. Especially if you are using a high number directions. The reason is that overtime you may get a F0 drift. Using DTI and DS helps for image consistency across all directions.
Hope this helps

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