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MRI Forum
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Angie Pope

Tue. 23 Oct.18,

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'DWI of the prostate'
0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

DWI of the prostate
In need of a protocol for the prostate. Our system is a 1.5 GE Signa Excite 12.0 software.
Under the diffusion options screen the only B-value options are 1000,1500, and 2000.
Should Dual Spin Echo option be selected ?
Main question relates to post processing of the DWI to ADC. Under Functool, what is a good threshold # to choose ?
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danilo Scelfo

Wed. 29 Sep.10,

[Start of:
'How does TE affect DWI acquisition?'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

How does TE affect DWI acquisition?
Hi folk! Just a breath question: how does TE affect conventional sequence (single shot SE-EPI) for DWI acquisition? In particular, how would two acquisitions differ from each other if acquired with TE=90/106ms respectively (being equal all the other parameters, i.e. TR=11s, same FOV, …)? Thanks for any opinion you will give me. Danilo.
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Stephen Roberts

Mon. 15 Feb.10,

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Devices, Scanner, Machines

Are there differences in the bandwidth numbers as to how it is designated from let's say GE and Toshiba?
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young bong we

Thu. 20 Mar.08,

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'MRI Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?'
3 Replies]

Basics and Physics

MRI Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?
HI !

we used hostipal Siemens Avanto 1.5T

I didnt know MRI Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?

T1,T2,PD etc.. accoding to sequence Bandwidth and turbo factor relation

and T1, T2 appropriate Bandwidth and turbo factor relation ?

Please advice
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Stephanie Taylor

Wed. 1 Nov.06,

[Start of:
'Receiver Bandwidth'
2 Replies]

Basics and Physics

Receiver Bandwidth
Can someone give me the calculation for finding the receiver bandwidth value. I can't seem to find this anywhere. I swear that I have seen it before.
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