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MRI Forum
'Field Strength'
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Naeem Yazdani

Thu. 25 Jun.09,

[Start of:
'Technical Specifications'
0 Reply]

Site Planning and Specifications

Technical Specifications
I'm kind of new to MRI technology and am doing a comparison of various MRI equipment. Could somebody give me a brief summary of the technical specifications I should pay special attention to?
E.g. High slew rate is preferable
High transmit power (at least 15kW)
High gradient field strength
Helium usage (in terms of maintenance costs)

What other factors play a huge role in differing price?

Thanks in advance
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David Jennions

Tue. 18 Jul.06,

[Start of:
'1.5T field contours'
0 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

1.5T field contours

I'm testing simultaneous MR and optical imaging, and need to calculate the MR field strength along the bore axis of a GE Signa HDe 1.5T. Any online references / other data that folks can point me at would be most appreciated!
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Chris Gardener

Wed. 11 May.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Radio frequency exposure'
started by: 'Reader Mail '
on Tue. 3 May.05]

Basics and Physics

Radio frequency exposure
If the magnetic field strength (measured in Tesla/Gauss) increases, also the SAR increases. For fields up to 3.0 Tesla, the value of SAR is proportional to the square of the field but at high fields the body becomes increasingly conductive, with the need of increased RF power. The EMF exposure is reduced by the square of the distance.

Hope this will help
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William Flemming

Tue. 29 Mar.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'MR image of an eye'
started by: 'Reader Mail '
on Tue. 14 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

MR image of an eye
Depending on the sequence and the field strength there can be artifacts that look like eye movement and are difficult to separate. To avoid eye movement should the patient not only close the eyes or fix a point, but also with closed eyes think about not to move the eyes.
Other artifacts (e.g. ghosting) can be reduced with fat suppression, reduction of the water fat shift, T1 with a long TE (to reduce the brightness of fat), and/or a higher matrix.
Also the perfect positioning of the coil and a homogeneity correction will improve the image quality. I do not know a post processing program that removes those artifacts.
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Tue. 18 May.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Cardiac Stent'
started by: 'Reader Mail '
on Tue. 18 May.04]


Cardiac Stent
MRI-related problems with metallic prosthetic grafts are the magnetic moment and the heating possibility.
New cardiac stents (produced in the last 5-8 years) are mostly out of non-magnetic material. 2-3 month after the stent implantation it is to expect that stents will be covered with tissue and a movement in the magnetic field is unusual. A small risk of heating caused by induction remains
(the risk depends on the field strength and the scanned region) - but the fast flowing blood is a good cooling system and reduces this risk in addition.
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