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MRI Forum
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Neeta Vyas

Tue. 9 Sep.08,

[Start of:
'flow arifact'
1 Reply]


flow arifact
Hi Everyone,

I had experienced flow artifact while taking Axial images of a wrist on 1.5T Siemens MRI scanner. I was using a presaturation band to block the arterial blood flow but it was not making any difference and the artifact was still there.

The phase direction was A-P, and the artifact was in this direction.

Please help me to get rid of this artifact.

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Renate Semrau

Mon. 28 Aug.23,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Improving MEDIC/MERGE/M-ffe and GRE/FFE image quality'
started by: 'Dan Lopez'
on Sun. 27 Aug.23]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Improving MEDIC/MERGE/M-ffe and GRE/FFE image quality
Sequences with multiple echoes are unfortunately sensitive to motion and flow artifacts, with the mFFE the echoes are still cumulated afterwards. The use of the head-neck coil provides better SNR. Important are good flow compensation, rest slab, try out foldover direction l/r vs. a/p. Shimming may help, synergy is sometimes better as clear, don't take too many slices, but maybe the signal loss is also a technical problem. Problems in the lung region are common. In short, we use 2D T2 TSE with continuous flow comp.

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Reader Mail

Tue. 30 Sep.14,

[Reply (4 of 5) to:
'Job Opportunities in Qatar'
started by: 'Myla Taller'
on Thu. 17 May.12]


Job Opportunities in Qatar
Uzma Anwar
Hamad Medical Corporation
Doha Qatar

Dear Sir, Madam:
Having seen your advertisement for a position of a MRI Technologist in the website, I would like to explore this opportunity further. I am a Radiological Technologist and I have passed my promatric examination from Doha Qatar. I have finished my Data Flow.
I have ability to perform procedures independently in MRI Department. I am able to meet the standards for quality and safety of patients. My thirst for making new discoveries is a trait that does not let me sit idle at my work place.
My related experience includes; X-Ray Ultrasound and MRI . Please find my enclosed resume which will provide you with the complete details of my qualifications and skills.
I would like to contact you to arrange a possible interview. Please feel free to contact me at 00974-70133170 if you need information regarding my credentials other than what is mentioned in my job application form and resume.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Uzma Anwar
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Rebecca Pitchford-Bell

Tue. 30 Nov.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
started by: 'Oktay DERELI'
on Sat. 31 Jul.10]


TRICKS if available. This is a multipass software that allows the collection of data quickly. The contrast can be followed through multiple passes including delays to show if contrast actually does reach the toes and return to venous flow. It will show collateral vessels and help the surgeons decide direction to take.
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Pim vanOoij

Thu. 19 Mar.09,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'PCA aliasing problem'
started by: 'Pim vanOoij'
on Fri. 27 Feb.09]


PCA aliasing problem
This is not spatial aliasing I am talking about, but velocity aliasing. This means that when your velocity encoding parameter is set to 100 cm/s and true velocity in a certain pixel is 120 cm/s, the measured velocity will be -80 cm/s.

In my problem however, with a velocity encoding parameter of 100 cm/s, in certain pixels I measure a velocity of around -60 cm/s where an actual velocity of 40 cm/s exists, which is a real mystery to me.

I don't think increasing FOV will prevent this from happening. Maybe it has something to do with velocity aliasing in other parts of the FOV, where true flow velocity of 110-120 cm/s exists, but I wouldn't know why. Anyone? Thanks.
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