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MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
Tomas Randell

Thu. 16 Dec.04,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
started by: 'bob mitchell'
on Sun. 5 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
Like lily lily we use a muliphase MRA with 3 phases (artery, portal vein and late phase).
We use an amount of 30 ml Gadolinium with an injection rate of 5 ml/sec. With this high flow rate, you get a more concentrated bolus and therefore a higher contrast for the second phase. We use CENTRA k-space acquisition and reduce the scan time with SENSE (a parallel imaging technique like ASSET ), this will help for a better timing.
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bob mitchell

Sun. 5 Dec.04,

[Start of:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
3 Replies]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
Which injection rate and amount of Gadolinium works best for CE MRA of the liver with a good portal venous contrast? We have a power injector and a 1.5 T system. With a flow rate of 3 ml/sec and 20 ml contrast agent the arterial contrast but the portal phase could be better. Our MRA's are done with 15 sec. scan time for one breath hold.
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andrew glenn

Fri. 8 Oct.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Power Injector'
started by: 'Don Monterez'
on Mon. 27 Sep.04]


Power Injector
we have had great success with a Medrad Spectris power injector - peripheral angios can be done using 20mls gad at flow rate of 1ml/sec without venous return.(siemens symphony magnetom 1.5T)
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Tom Bellini

Mon. 14 Jun.04,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'Black Blood MRA'
started by: 'ranran zhao'
on Sun. 6 Jun.04]

Applications and Examinations

Black Blood MRA
The black blood effect is a natural high contrast between blood and myocardium caused by the flow void of blood. Black blood techniques are for example used to demonstrate fatty infiltration of the right ventricular wall with right ventricular dysplasia. Black blood MRA is usual based on fast spin echo or inversion recovery sequences and seldom used as cine imaging. The advantage of this type of sequence consists of being less sensitive to respiratory and cardiac motion. Bright blood cine imaging is the standard method, but there are manufacturer with different techniques, e.g. Toshiba has a black blood cine technique.
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Tue. 18 May.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Cardiac Stent'
started by: 'Reader Mail '
on Tue. 18 May.04]


Cardiac Stent
MRI-related problems with metallic prosthetic grafts are the magnetic moment and the heating possibility.
New cardiac stents (produced in the last 5-8 years) are mostly out of non-magnetic material. 2-3 month after the stent implantation it is to expect that stents will be covered with tissue and a movement in the magnetic field is unusual. A small risk of heating caused by induction remains
(the risk depends on the field strength and the scanned region) - but the fast flowing blood is a good cooling system and reduces this risk in addition.
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