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Dan McGuan

Thu. 26 Jan.06,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Help Please'
started by: 'Kareem Badr'
on Tue. 24 Jan.06]


Help Please
Dear Mr. Kareem Badr:

I am flattered by your comments and appreciate your interest in our exciting MRI field.

To put a simple answer to your question, "are MRI units specialized for certain applications?" Usually the answer would be no.

Imaging techniques like Cardiac, Angiography, etc. are options that can be purchased on MRI systems. From a purely sales and marketing perspective MRI system are designed with a basic package that can perform the standard MRI imaging techniques. From there, additional packages and options can be added to "upgrade" the capabilities of the scanner.

While there are a few "niche" scanners on the market that are limited to one, or to just a few techniques, for example breast imaging. Most scanners are capable, with enhancements and upgrades, of performing most imaging techniques.

Now with that said, even though all scanners are capable of running most imaging techniques, it is also important to note that some scanners may be better at a particular technique, while maybe not as good at another technique. Personal opinions and biases can create heated debates as to which systems are better for each technique. As with any other modality, there are positives and negatives with all of the scanners.

Finally, to answer your question on applications and the units that can perform the techniques, this would be a long, detailed list. What I would suggest is that you visit the websites of the major MRI manufacturers. All of the information you would need will be at these websites. I have provided website addresses of the major OEM's and additional manufacturers that design and sell MRI systems below:

1) GE Medical:
2) Siemens Medical:
3) Toshiba Medical:
4) Philips Medical:
5) Hitachi Medical:
6) Fonar:
7) Aurora Imaging:
8) Magnevu:
9) Odin Medical:
10) Millennium:
11) ONI Medical:
12) Esaote:
13) DigiMRI:
14) Bruker:

Good luck in your research, and once again I appreciate your interest.

With Best Regards,

Dan McGuan
Senior Technical Specialist/President
Viable Med Services
(661) 373-1977
(800) 930-7958
Committed to Providing the BEST in Service
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syam reddy

Wed. 25 Jan.06,

[Start of:
'vibe sequences in neuro mri?'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

vibe sequences in neuro mri?
I am trying to cut down on time and have read a few articles that talk about mprage and vibe imaging but I am wondering if I can use them for post contrast imaging instead of t 1 sequence on my brain and spine studies. Anyone have any experience or comments about that?
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Tue. 22 Nov.05,

[Start of:
0 Reply]

Basics and Physics

Hello to all my fellow MR Technologists and / or students:
I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me answer. The dead line is THIS Friday 25th 1000AM morning so please reply STAT
Please e mail me at USMARINE2TIM2@YAHOO.COM
1. . Breath hold duration of less than _________are
recommended when dealing with MR Arenal artery
a. 30sec
b. 25sec
c. 18sec
d. 8

2. . In renal angiography, what anatomical
landmark does the 3d slab need to cover just
anterior to?
a. Adrenal glands
b. Hepatic vein
c. Portal vein
d. Abdominal aorta

3. .What makes MRI a better choice than DSA for evaluation of a bilateral renal artery stenoses at the orgins of the renal arteries?
a. It is a noisier examination
b. The contrast used is less nephrotoxic than DSA
c. MRI has higher special resolution than DSA

4. Signal loss will result when further maturation of the clot produces which one of the following?
a. methemoglobin
b. hemosiderin
c. phagocytosis.
d. hemoglobin

5. .For cine gradient echo imaging with true FISP, which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. .images have better image contrast and acquisitions are faster than conventional cine gradient echo imaging
b. cine true FISP images can be performed on any MRI unit
c. to make true FISD images, intravenous gadolinium contrast is needed
d. .true FISP images cannot be used for breath- hold acquisitions because the sequence is too slow

6. Which one of the following statements is NOT

true about phase contrast imaging?
a. .phase contrast imaging is useful for measuring blood flow
b. .phase contrast images are ECG gated
c. .phase contrast images can be performed on most
scanners with cardiac imaging capabilities
d. phase contrast images required
intravenous gadolinium contrast
Thank you so much
Gonzalo RT (R) --future-Ã MR
God Bless
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Frank Wasserman

Mon. 7 Nov.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Head Coil'
started by: 'M Shultz'
on Mon. 7 Nov.05]

Funktional MRI

Head Coil
A researcher who uses our system got a post card from a company:
He asked me if I have ever heard of them, and I thought I saw them at ISMRM but I don’t remember. Their head coil looks like more of an fMRI coil, but the lack of material in front of the face looks really nice for patients.

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Dan McGuan

Thu. 6 Oct.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Machine Opening artifact'
started by: 'Neil Brice'
on Tue. 28 Sep.04]


Machine Opening artifact

I think you're talking about the edges of the shimmed volume of the magnet, or the coil.

Magnets are shimmed to a specific volume in the field (every model magnet is different). When you attempt to scan an object that reaches the edge of this volume you will see distortion from imaging the unshimmed area of the magnet.

Also shimming large objects that exceed the range of the receiver portion of the coil will cause distortions.

Hopefully this answers your question?

Good Luck,
Dan McGuan
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