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MRI Forum
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rajani subramanian

Thu. 30 Jun.05,

[Start of:
'MR jobs'
2 Replies]


MR jobs

does anyone know what kind of jobs can people with a degree in Biomedical engineering(MR imaging) seek in the industry. Also does anyone know about any specific websites for the same.
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Tomas Randell

Mon. 20 Jun.05,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'Metalic particles into the cornea'
started by: 'Jorge Cazal'
on Mon. 13 Jun.05]


Metalic particles into the cornea
For my personal opinion, it is not to expect that these microscopic steel particles are a contraindication for an MRI of the head. An injury of the patient by dislocation or
torque presents not a real risk because of the small size.
The possibility of heating is minimal and can be additional lowered by reducing the SAR. Artifacts may reduce the image quality a little, but diagnostic brain imaging is certainly possible. The use of a mid or low field MRI machine will also reduce any risks.
Hope this will help.
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Tomas Randell

Thu. 16 Dec.04,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
started by: 'bob mitchell'
on Sun. 5 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
Like lily lily we use a muliphase MRA with 3 phases (artery, portal vein and late phase).
We use an amount of 30 ml Gadolinium with an injection rate of 5 ml/sec. With this high flow rate, you get a more concentrated bolus and therefore a higher contrast for the second phase. We use CENTRA k-space acquisition and reduce the scan time with SENSE (a parallel imaging technique like ASSET ), this will help for a better timing.
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Reader Mail

Tue. 14 Dec.04,

[Start of:
'MR image of an eye'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

MR image of an eye
I have a set of MR image of an eye which is acquired from a commercial surface coil. The questions are:

(1) How do I know there is any eye movement during imaging?

(2) How do I remove the artifact if there is any eye movement? Is there a program to do so?

It is deeply appreciated to have help from you.
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john devonport

Wed. 14 Jul.04,

[Start of:
'Endorem Resovist'
1 Reply]

Contrast Agents

Endorem Resovist
We use Endorem for liver imaging. We will change to Resovist. Does anyone have experience with this new contrast agent? By now, we use post contrast a T2 weighted sequence with an echo time of 60 (1.5 T Intera). Do we have to pay attention to something, what’s different to Endorem?
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