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MRI Forum
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kaisa bente

Thu. 27 Jan.11,

[Start of:
'Brain T2FS postcontrast'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

Brain T2FS postcontrast
What is the advantage of T2 FS imaging of the brain if 3 planes of postcontrast T1's are obtained.
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Shauna Smith

Wed. 5 Jan.11,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'imaging education association'
started by: 'cherry pie'
on Tue. 26 Oct.10]


imaging education association
I don't know if you are still interested in purchasing imaginged, but I just wanted to share my experience. I just passed my MRI boards and I prepared for it by reading MRI in Practice and viewing the imagingeded videos. They really complimented each other. The book is very thorough and technical and the videos put it all into everyday language. For me it was helpful to have someone explain many of the concepts. Candi is a great teacher and made it easy to understand...well almost is MRI afterall! Hope this helps:)

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Steven Ford

Thu. 2 Dec.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'MagneVu 1000'
started by: 'Will B'
on Sun. 10 Oct.10]


MagneVu 1000
We maintain the MagneVu systems and have several avaialable for sale, cheap. They are probably not a good option for veterainary work, however, becaseu the field fo view is very small. There are other inexpensive MRIs (which we also have) that will work far better.
Professional Imaging Services
619 220 4972
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Jacob Newton

Thu. 7 Oct.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'How does TE affect DWI acquisition?'
started by: 'danilo Scelfo'
on Wed. 29 Sep.10]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

How does TE affect DWI acquisition?
I never tried to shorten only the echo time while keeping all other parameters the same, but I would expect a change in SNR and artifact appearance. I would use parallel imaging methods to get a shortest possible echo time. Parallel imaging provides DWI with shorter echo trains associated with further reduction of the echo and repetition times, which reduces susceptibility effects and also image blurring. Additionally, the shorter echo time may lead to changes in ADC measurement.
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Mon. 24 May.10,

[Reply (13 of 26) to:
'MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia'
started by: 'Mosta Mosta'
on Tue. 3 Mar.09]


MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia
14- years working experience in Liaquat National Hospital & Post graduate Medical Center Karachi, as a Sr. MRI Technologist/ Incharge of MRI Department/Asst.Manager Radiology.
I want to work as an Sr.MRI Technologist in an environment where I can apply my overall experience, and management skills.
Sound knowledge & valuable experience in MRI to perform routine & advance applications like MR Angiography, MR Urography, MRCP, MR Myelography, MR Cisternography, Dynamic MRA & highly sophisticated procedures like diffusion, dynamic perfusion, moving bed & peripheral MRA, Breast dynamic studies, Renal MRA, Carotid MRA, functional MRI of brain (Bold Imaging), MR spectroscopy, estimation of liver iron concentration by MRI, musculoskeletal MR imaging, pelvic and abdominal MRI, chest and abdominal MRA, Dynamic MRA for vertebral artery dissection etc...

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