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Result: Searchterm 'K-Space' found in 13 messages
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Ranjith KO

Thu. 5 Nov.15,

[Start of:
'K-space data in DICOM'
0 Reply]


K-space data in DICOM
I have few doubts in technological aspects of MRI.
My doubt is about transferring of K-space data through network. Have any standard format or mechanism for it?
Have any standard format for it? (like from MR machine to processing system)
Have any standard tags in DICOM for embedding K-Space data?
if not have any standard (data format)way for transferring K-Space data through network ?
What is the mechanism used by popular MR suppliers used for data transfer of K-space data?

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Leak Sea

Sat. 16 Oct.10,

[Start of:
'How to fill the K-space?'
1 Reply]

Basics and Physics

How to fill the K-space?

i've been learning MRI for some weeks, and i really want to know that when we use the spin-echo sequences, how can we fill the data into K-space line by line?

i learned the steps of spatial encoding, but i need the algorithm, or the equations, or the quantitative way to fill the K-space.

thanks a lot!

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Eltjo Haselhoff

Sat. 17 Dec.16,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'k space explanation'
started by: 'Martin Rosellen'
on Wed. 19 Oct.16]


k space explanation
I created an app for iPhone that will help you understand what k-space is.


... or search for "kspace".
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Martin Rosellen

Wed. 19 Oct.16,

[Start of:
'k space explanation'
2 Replies]


k space explanation
dear all,
I am trying to get a feel for what k-space is. So far I have not got an explanation that I understand. My idea to picture the frequencies that get emmitted from a slice as follows: - We have a box filled with still waterrn - a set of objects get dropped into the water simultaneously - every object emmits waves that are specific to its shape. To fill k space, what is measured and how? All I know is that the sampling frequency stays the same. Sorry for the ugly formatting. Did not find help on that. Thanks Martin
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Tetiana Dadakova

Fri. 17 Feb.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'MR750: ASSET Artifact or 32 Channel coil?'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Tue. 26 Jul.11]

Funktional MRI

MR750: ASSET Artifact or 32 Channel coil?

We do have the same artifact on the same scanner with 32 channel coil. I was thinking about herringbone artifact as well first, but then some kind of "spikes" of very high or low intensity should be seen in k-space, which I don't see in our images. We have this artifact only for DTI.

If you find out what it is, please let me know.

Best regards.
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