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MRI Forum
'MRI Image'
Result: Searchterm 'MRI Image' found in 13 messages
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Cindy Duan

Wed. 12 Aug.09,

[Start of:
'Please recommend materials sensitive to T1-weighted MRI'
3 Replies]

Basics and Physics

Please recommend materials sensitive to T1-weighted MRI
Dear all,

I am looking for materials (regardless it is in liquid or solid status) that are sensitive to T1-weighted MRI. On a MRI image, the material has to be white (very bright). Thanks in advance,

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Rob van den Dobbelsteen

Sat. 10 Mar.07,

[Start of:
'What´s this in L3?'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

What´s this in L3?
I´m a Dutch Physiotherapist and not trained in reading MRI images.
Yesterday my last client brought a CD with MRI-images on his first visit. He experiences a lot of lumbar pain, takes lots of painkillers and had a HNP operation earlier.

There is something strange about L3. Can you tell me what it is?

The doctor only told him there was no reason to think he had neurological problems but never mentioned this.

Pictures can be seen here:
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Jadwiga kudynska

Wed. 8 Mar.06,

[Start of:
'flat board/insert'
1 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

flat board/insert
Good Day Everyone:
Our Imaging Canter has a new MRI unit (Philips 1.5 T Achieva) that we would
like to use for Radiation Oncology patients. The carbon fibre flat table top
as we use in CT effects the MRI image quality. A few companies I have
contacted do not know who makes flat table tops for MRI.
I would appreciate a note from current Radiation Oncology MRI users if they
know the manufacturer of proper flat tops or if they have found a way
"around" the problem.
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