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MRI Forum
'MRI Image'
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Gina Key

Sat. 27 Jan.24,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'IDEAL sequence help'
started by: 'gianluca turcatel'
on Mon. 10 Jan.22]


IDEAL sequence help
To calculate the Proton Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) from MRI images of the liver acquired using LMS IDEAL (Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least Squares Estimation) with optimized low flip angles, you'll typically have multiple image sets corresponding to different echoes. The fat and water signals are separated based on their chemical shift differences. Look for image sets labeled as Water, Fat, or PDFF (Proton Density Fat Fraction). Depending on the software or DICOM tags used, the images may be explicitly labeled, or you may need to review the sequence parameters to determine which set corresponds to fat or water.
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gianluca turcatel

Mon. 10 Jan.22,

[Start of:
'IDEAL sequence help'
1 Reply]


IDEAL sequence help
I was given MRI images of the liver of patients, taken with LMS IDEAL optimized low flip. I need to calculate the pdff. I have 72 images per patient with echotime ranging from 1.2ms to 11.2 ms. How do I identify which is the fat, water OP,IN images?
Thank you so much. and yes I am relative new to MRI imaging.
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Naji Kerio

Tue. 2 Mar.21,

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'Need to check for my middle/inner ear on my MRI'
0 Reply]


Need to check for my middle/inner ear on my MRI
Hello. I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if I can share MRI images for a professional's opinion here. If not here, I'd like to know whether there is a forum for this. rnrnI have been having serious vertigo issues (intense spinning) for weeks. Although it has improved dramatically and still is in terms of the nausea and the vertigo attacks, I'm still experiencing regular dizziness, and looking sideways and driving is a bit tricky. I suspected it could have something to do with the inner or middle ear, so I had a brain MRI and made sure to ask for analysis of the inner and middle ear and any associated nerves. When I picked up my MRI results today, all that showed as abnormal was the sinuses with cyst in the right sphenoid sinus. To make sure the middle and inner ear were analyzed I asked the desk woman. She didn't know, made some calls and found out they apparently were not analyzed. rnrnI got the CD, retrieved my ancient PC laptop that is turtle slow and tried to check for images. Don' t know what to check for and having difficulty navigating. The images are divided into T1 TSE Ax, T2 FS AX, T2 AX SPACE IA, FLAIR COR, 2 image fors DIFF AX (ANGLE, and mIP images. I'm specifically trying to rule out conditions that sounded a lot like what I'm experiencing: labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis. Thank you.
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Imran Chunawala

Sun. 14 Jul.19,

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1 Reply]


I'm a research nurse conducting a clinical research study for Non Alcoholic Steatohepatosis in which an MRI-PDFF (Proton Density Fat Fraction) is required for study participants. How is this MRI different from a regular MRI? I have called multiple MRI locations in the area and no one seems to even know the existence of such a specialized MRI.

Internet research has led me to understanding that a specialized software is needed to calculate the PDFF from the MRI images but I'm not sure how that works.

If anyone has experience with conducting such an MRI or can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful.
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Trent Mcl

Sat. 1 Feb.14,

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'MRI of knee ? bone fragment (pic attached)'
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Applications and Examinations

MRI of knee ? bone fragment (pic attached)
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can help me with the provisional diagnosis of my MRI of my R knee. The technician said appears to be a fracture. Was walking down stairs at work and landed hard on R leg. Pain since.

Can anyone confirm this with attached MRI image. It appears to me a fragment is there but i could be very wrong.

I got ortho review in 5 days.

Any help is much appreciated


Paramedic, Australia
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