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MRI Forum
'Magnetic Field'
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Bridget Galegher

Sun. 23 Aug.09,

[Reply (2 of 21) to:
'MRI registry equations'
started by: 'Donna Nusser'
on Tue. 18 Aug.09]

Basics and Physics

MRI registry equations
Take 1.006 - 1.000T or (1.0) this equals 0.006, or (6mT) then take 6 divided by 0.5 (which is your distance along the positive z-direction and this will give you the answer of 12. (Strength of the magnetic field divided ny the distance from the center of the magnet) My suggestion for you is get the new "MRI in Practice" not the green book but the new one with the multi-colors on the front of it (3rd edition) Explains everything and it is fun to read. I have to take mine too in September through ARRT. Just don't psyc yourself out.
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Donna Nusser

Tue. 18 Aug.09,

[Start of:
'MRI registry equations'
20 Replies]

Basics and Physics

MRI registry equations
I'm studying for the registry with the help of the MIC registry review program. I think my mind has turned to mush. I can not figure out the answer to this question or find an equation to help me. Is there anyone out there who can help?!!
"In an ideal 1.0T magnet with perfect homogeneity, if a proton experiences a magnetic field of 1.006T and is positioned 0.5 meter along the positive z-direction and centered along the x and y directions, the z-gradient amplitude is________mT/m."
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Patricia Burns

Fri. 24 Oct.08,

[Reply (1 of 5) to:
'Mobile MRI - Keeping Magnet Cold'
started by: 'Will B'
on Thu. 23 Oct.08]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

Mobile MRI - Keeping Magnet Cold
When a mobile MRI Scanner is in motion going from site to site a "ramp down" is performed before moving.This is when the magnetic field is lowered but not completely shut off. The field still keeps it's integrity due to the Cryogens that surround it. When it comes to the new site, a "ramp up" is performed to bring the magnetic strength back up to par. Bottom line...The Cryogens are not boiled off and keep the magnet cold when it is motion. If the magnet were to suddenly lose it's power, it could be due to a cryogen boil off.

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John Muller

Fri. 12 Sep.08,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'Geometric distortion'
started by: 'ergun ahunbay'
on Tue. 2 Jan.07]


Geometric distortion
You can find more information about magnetic field in:
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Reader Mail

Mon. 14 Jan.08,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'Mechanical Ventilator outside of Scan room'
started by: 'Dan Barrieau'
on Wed. 20 Jun.07]

Site Planning and Specifications

Mechanical Ventilator outside of Scan room
Just to add to that. The rooms are lined with copper mesh so that Radio Frequency (RF) outside the room will not affect the image quality (and vise versa so your monitors won't freak out). The tubes through the wall are long enough to absorb and basically prevent any RF from getting in or out. The place in question probably couldn't justify the money to buy an MR safe vent. And I can't think of any pump that would be safe inside the room; although, some sites will chance taking pumps in and keeping them at a distance from the magnetic field.
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