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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
'Magnetic Field'
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Forum Overview

Wed. 12 Oct.05,

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'SAR, Magnetic field and exitation frequency'
1 Reply]

Basics and Physics

SAR, Magnetic field and exitation frequency
Could you give me the relation between the SAR and the exitation frequency for a given magnetic field ?
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We Are ISS

Fri. 28 Jan.22,

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'What is the career growth in MRI technology?'
0 Reply]


What is the career growth in MRI technology?
The career growth for MRI technologists has a very good scope. The MRI technologist has to operate big tube-like machines that use a magnetic field and radio waves to make images of patients' organs, tissue, and bones. So, there is a good scope from them, it is projected to the 9 percent from 2020 to 2030.
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We Are ISS

Fri. 28 Jan.22,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'What is the career growth in MRI technology?'
started by: 'Indiancareerclub Clubindia'
on Mon. 25 May.09]


What is the career growth in MRI technology?
MRI technologists have a bright future in terms of career progression. The MRI technician is responsible for operating large tube-like machines that use a magnetic field and radio waves. As a result, there is a good scope from them; it is projected to be 9% from 2020 to 2030.
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Gary Brown

Mon. 14 Jun.21,

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Employer relates that any cardiac stent implanted after 2008 is safe on ANY MRI scanner within our system. This ranges from 0.3 Open scanners to 1.2 High field Open and 1.5 and 3T closed systems.
Contrarily, the manufacturer data on certain stents states 1.5 or 3 T ONLY, but we are urged to scan on an open if implanted after 2008. Does anyone have any type of testing documentation that this is safe? I'm not so much worried about the field strength as I am the magnetic field orientation as the defining safety issue.
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Brenna Bray

Tue. 10 Mar.20,

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'Proton excitation from B0 to B1'
0 Reply]


Proton excitation from B0 to B1
I'm new to MRI imaging and currently taking an introductory course online. I understand that the introduction of a small magnetic field/RF pulses on top of the static magnetic field (B0) excites protons into a high energy state (B1). Does this mean that the protons are excited from a spin that is parallel to the longitudinal B0 plane to one that is antiparallel to the longitudinal B0 plane, or that the proton spin is excited from one that is aligned/polarized with B0 to one that is either parallel or antiparallel to B0 in the B1/xy plane?
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