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shubham patel

Thu. 25 Jun.20,

[Reply (25 of 26) to:
'MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia'
started by: 'Mosta Mosta'
on Tue. 3 Mar.09]


MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia
i am MRI and ct technologist in apple hospital indore working on MRI 1.5T signa g.e and 128 slice ct scan signa g.e .
i have 2 year experience ..
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Kelly Baker

Tue. 14 May.19,

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1 Reply]


Hey everyone my site just started scanning prostates and our protocol is about 55 minutes long, is this normal?? We have a GE Signa Artist 1.5 Can anyone share their protocol and tips. Thanks
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Angie Pope

Tue. 23 Oct.18,

[Start of:
'DWI of the prostate'
0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

DWI of the prostate
In need of a protocol for the prostate. Our system is a 1.5 GE Signa Excite 12.0 software.
Under the diffusion options screen the only B-value options are 1000,1500, and 2000.
Should Dual Spin Echo option be selected ?
Main question relates to post processing of the DWI to ADC. Under Functool, what is a good threshold # to choose ?
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meike carr

Mon. 23 Oct.17,

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'Dialysis pt and Artifacts'
0 Reply]


Dialysis pt and Artifacts
We are having an artifact or loss of signal when we do some dialysis patients spine work. Both of our machines are GE 1.5 and a 3t. It does not happen on all dialysis patients only a few but the images will come out completely dark. We typically do not have any issues with our spine imaging. Has anyone else had this issue or heard of this? Any suggestions on how to fix, it is worse on the 3t of course.
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Math G

Fri. 30 Jun.17,

[Reply (10 of 12) to:
'90 excitation pulse vs 180 inversion pulse'
started by: 'Bjorn Redfors'
on Sat. 27 Jun.09]

Basics and Physics

90 excitation pulse vs 180 inversion pulse
I will try an answer to this rather old tread, in case someone stumble upon this like me.

The phenomenon of "coherence" that produce transverse magnetization after a 90 RF pulse cannot be answered by classical mechanics, or any simple model that represents individual protons as precessing magnets in either the parallel/antiparallel direction with regards to the MRI magnetic field.

Rather, it is a phenomenon related to quantum mechanics and the effect of a RF field on a interacting group of particles with spins (not necessarily oriented as parallel/antiparallel, I might add, even under the effect of a magnetic field).

The simplest depiction, as I understand, would be to imagine a group of spins as literally rotating as a whole under the effect of the RF. After a certain time (corresponding to a 90 degree pulse), the net magnetization that was oriented parallel to the MRI magnetic field, is now oriented in the transverse plane, causing transverse magnetization and signal. If you further apply RF, the system will continue to rotate, shifting gradually toward an antiparralel orientation, losing transverse magnetization in the process.

Hope its clearer!
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