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MRI Forum
'Slew Rate'
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Naeem Yazdani

Thu. 25 Jun.09,

[Start of:
'Technical Specifications'
0 Reply]

Site Planning and Specifications

Technical Specifications
I'm kind of new to MRI technology and am doing a comparison of various MRI equipment. Could somebody give me a brief summary of the technical specifications I should pay special attention to?
E.g. High slew rate is preferable
High transmit power (at least 15kW)
High gradient field strength
Helium usage (in terms of maintenance costs)

What other factors play a huge role in differing price?

Thanks in advance
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samer abou-deeb

Sat. 25 Apr.09,

[Start of:
'wandering about GE HDe'
0 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

wandering about GE HDe
can anyone explaine how GE HDe 1.5T MRI with low gradient and slew rates can perform studies that used to require higher values and yet give precise results?????

best regards
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Sue Wong

Wed. 28 Jan.09,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Gradient modes'
started by: 'Angela Hoskinson'
on Thu. 22 Jan.09]

Applications and Examinations

Gradient modes
You pay for the noise reduction; the parameter 'whisper' reduces the gradient performance. Db/dt (and the noise of the scanner is depended on db/dt) is directly proportional to the gradient performance (slew rate).
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Rud Spring

Fri. 7 Apr.06,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Slew Rate'
started by: 'Reader Mail '
on Sun. 2 Apr.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Slew Rate
It's about how fast the gradient coil reaches the amplitude. It's the steepness of the curve. The time it takes to reach this amplitude is often referred to as "rise time".

At certain high slew rates the gradient switching is so fast that peripheral nerves get stimulated. A warning may be given like "possible peripheral nerve stimulation". It's not really dangerous, but you can feel your muscles contract a little. Some people are more sensitive to it than others.
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